Black Origin Village

Black Origin Village

Average Strength 4th Level Body Refinement
Peak Strength Unknown
Major Powers
External Routes Pale-Log Village
Average Beast Strength Ordinary (low)

Black Origin Village is a small village of a few hundred people located at the north of a small plains area surrounded by mountains on all sides. It has a nearby river that flows through the northern mountains and a single trade route to Pale-Log Village.

The beasts surrounding the village are ordinary wild animals and are of little to no threat to travellers.

The village itself has a variety of small businesses that are divided between the major powers of the village. Notable locations in the village include:

  • Barracks
  • Tanners
  • Traveling Merchants Courtyard
  • Market
  • Healers
  • Bakers
  • Fletcher
  • Butcher
  • Seamstress
  • Tea House
  • Pleasure House
  • Blacksmith
  • Tavern
  • Glassblowers
  • Jewlers
  • Main Temple