Dizi Proficiency

This technique measures the user's skill in playing the Dizi.

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (10pts): Performance checks using a Dizi are [1d20+cha].
  • Lvl 2 (10pts): Performance checks using a Dizi are [1d20+cha+1].
  • Lvl 3 (10pts): Performance checks using a Dizi are [1d20+cha+2].
  • Lvl 4 (10pts): +1 to Charisma score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 5 (10pts): Performance checks using a Dizi are [1d20+cha+3].
  • Lvl 6 (10pts): +1 to Charisma score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 7 (10pts): Performance checks using a Dizi are [1d20+cha+4].
  • Unknown…