Roguish Assassin

Rouge Technique Cluster

Collection: Martial Technique Collection
Grade: Red 1
Number of Stages: 4
Requirements: Nothing
Found in: Assassin's Guild Library
Completion Status: Small and Large Success complete.

Small Success

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (5pts): Assassinate; Any hit made against a surprised creature is a critical hit.{A}
  • Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 4 (5pts): Gain [1] [d8] hit dice.
  • Lvl 5 (5pts): Any attack made against a creature that has not taken a turn in combat yet has advantage.
  • Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 7 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 8 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 9 (5pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 10 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (5pts): Infiltration Expert; Can unfailingly create false identities for yourself. You must spend [7] days and 25Gc to establish the history, profession, and affiliations for an identity. You cannot establish an identity that belongs to someone else. If you adopt the new identity as a disguise, other creatures believe you to be that person until given an obvious reason not to. {IE}
  • Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 3 (5pts): +1 Charisma score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 5 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (5pts): +1 Charisma score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 8 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 9 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 10 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)

Stage 3

  • Lvl 1 (5pts): Imposter; You gain the ability to unerringly mimic another person's speech, writing, and behaviour. You must spend at least three hours studying these three components of the person's behaviour, listening to speech, examining handwriting, and observing mannerisms. Your ruse is indiscernible to the casual observer. If a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you have advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you make to avoid detection. {I}
  • Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 5 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 8 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 9 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 10 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)

Stage 4

  • Lvl 1 (5pts): Death Strike; When attacking a surprised creature, it must make a constitution save against your DC of [8+dex mod]. On a fail, the attack’s damage is doubled. {DS}
  • Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (5pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 5 (5pts): {DS} DC is now [9+dex mod].
  • Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 7 (5pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 8 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 9 (5pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 10 (5pts): {DS} DC is now [10+dex mod].

Large Success

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (8pts): {A} now inflicts [1] bleed stack.
  • Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (8pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 5 (8pts): {A} now inflicts [2] bleed stack.
  • Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 7 (8pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 8 (8pts): Gain [1] [d8] hit dice.
  • Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 10 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (8pts): {IE} time cost is now [6] days.
  • Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 Charisma score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 5 (8pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 6 (8pts): Gain [1] [d8] hit dice.
  • Lvl 7 (8pts): +1 Charisma score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 9 (8pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 10 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)

Stage 3

  • Lvl 1 (8pts): {I} deception checks now have a [+1] bonus.
  • Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (8pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 5 (8pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 6 (8pts): {I} deception checks now have a [+2] bonus.
  • Lvl 7 (8pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 8 (8pts): Gain [1] [d8] hit dice.
  • Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 10 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)

Stage 4

  • Lvl 1 (8pts): {DS} DC is now [11+dex mod].
  • Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 5 (8pts): {DS} DC is now [12+dex mod].
  • Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 7 (8pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 10 (8pts): {DS} DC is now [13+dex mod].