Molten Core


Collection: Clusterless
Grade: Red 2
Number of Stages: 2*
Requirements: Achieving a * in Weapon Study's
Found in: Weapon Study's * Class
Completion Status: Only up to stage 2, Great Perfection.

Small Success

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (10pts): Resurgence; Gain [10D6] temporary health until the end of the current round; Cooldown: [1 per long rest]; (Bonus Action)
  • Lvl 2 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 3 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 5 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 6 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 7 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 8 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60)
  • Lvl 9 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 10 (12pts): Resurgence time cost is now a Reaction.

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (12pts): Toughened Exterior; Gain +1d4 temporary AC; Cooldown: [10 turns]; (Bonus Action)
  • Lvl 2 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 3 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 5 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 6 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 7 (12pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 8 (12pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 9 (12pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [8 turns].
  • Lvl 10 (12pts): Toughened Exterior time cost is now a Reaction.

Large Success

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 2 (15pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 3 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 4 (15pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 5 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 6 (15pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 7 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 8 (15pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 9 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 80)
  • Lvl 10 (15pts): Resurgence can now be used twice per long rest.

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 2 (15pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [7 turns].
  • Lvl 3 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 4 (15pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [6 turns].
  • Lvl 5 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 6 (15pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [5 turns].
  • Lvl 7 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 8 (15pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [4 turns].
  • Lvl 9 (15pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 10 (15pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 35)

Small Perfection

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (18pts): {R} Temporary Health Gain is now [13d6].
  • Lvl 2 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 35)
  • Lvl 3 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 4 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 35)
  • Lvl 5 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 6 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 35)
  • Lvl 7 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 8 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 35)
  • Lvl 9 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100)
  • Lvl 10 (18pts): Resurgence can now be used three per long rest.

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 2 (18pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [3 turns].
  • Lvl 3 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 4 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 5 (18pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [2 turns].
  • Lvl 6 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 7 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 8 (18pts): Toughened Exterior Cooldown is now [1 turns].
  • Lvl 9 (18pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 10 (18pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)

Great Perfection

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 2 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 3 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 4 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 5 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 6 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 7 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 8 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 40)
  • Lvl 9 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 120)
  • Lvl 10 (22pts): Resurgence now lasts until the start of your next turn.

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 140)
  • Lvl 2 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 45)
  • Lvl 3 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 140)
  • Lvl 4 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 45)
  • Lvl 5 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 140)
  • Lvl 6 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 45)
  • Lvl 7 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 140)
  • Lvl 8 (22pts): Toughened Exterior now gives [1d4+1] Temp AC.
  • Lvl 9 (22pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 140)
  • Lvl 10 (22pts): +1 Constitution score. (Up to 45)