Fur Cuts

Doryana Technique Cluster

Collection: Martial Technique Collection
Grade: Red 1
Number of Stages: 6
Requirements: Claw Weapon
Found in: The Book Store (Beast Forms)
Completion Status: Large Success complete.

Small Success

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (10pts): Paw Swipe; HIT: [1d20+dex mod -3]; DMG (slashing): [2d8+claw dmg+dex mod] (1 action | Chainable) {PS}
  • Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150)
  • Lvl 3 (10pts): {PS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod -2].
  • Lvl 4 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 5 (10pts): {PS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod -1].
  • Lvl 6 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150)
  • Lvl 7 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 8 (10pts): {PS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod].
  • Lvl 9 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150)
  • Lvl 10 (10pts): {PS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod +1].

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (10pts): Animal Swirl; The user can decide to reduce the DMG they inflict of any attack in Beast Form by [75%]. Doing so allows the user to chain into another attack. However, each time {AS} is used, the user recieves a [-3] to HIT. {AS}
  • Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150)
  • Lvl 3 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 4 (10pts): {AS} reduces the DMG by only [50%].
  • Lvl 5 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150)
  • Lvl 6 (10pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 7 (10pts): {AS} reduces the DMG by only [25%].
  • Lvl 8 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150)
  • Lvl 9 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 10 (10pts): {AS} HIT penalty is now [-2] per time used.

Stage 3

  • Lvl 1 (12pts): Bear Block; Can reduce any DMG that can be seen by [2d4]. (1 reaction) {BB}
  • Lvl 2 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 3 (12pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [2d4+1].
  • Lvl 4 (12pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 5 (12pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [2d4+2].
  • Lvl 6 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 7 (12pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [2d4+3].
  • Lvl 8 (12pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 9 (12pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [2d4+con mod].
  • Lvl 10 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)

Stage 4

  • Lvl 1 (12pts): Death Touch; HIT: [1d20+dex mod-2]; DMG (peircing): [1]; This attack must end the current user's turn. If this attack hits the target, the DMG cannot be reduced. If this attack brings the target below 0 health, the target is immediately killed. If used after {AS} has been used, instead of applying the HIT penalty, gain a HIT bonus of the same amount. (1 action | Chainable) {DT}
  • Lvl 2 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 3 (12pts): {DT} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod-1].
  • Lvl 4 (12pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 5 (12pts): {DT} DMG is now [2].
  • Lvl 6 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)
  • Lvl 7 (12pts): {DT} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod].
  • Lvl 8 (12pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20)
  • Lvl 9 (12pts): {DT} DMG is now [3].
  • Lvl 10 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200)

Stage 5

  • Lvl 1 (15pts): Fox Restraint; During the next chain, the user is guaranteed to not kill or knock out a target as long as the final DMG dealt is less than [10] DMG over the targets remaining health, when this happens, the target will remain at their health before the attack was made or [15] whichever is lowest. This stage has no effect on {DT} if it is used during the chain. (1 bonus action) {FR}
  • Lvl 2 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 3 (15pts): +1 Intelligence Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (15pts): {FR} will not kill or knockout any target if the DMG dealt is less than [11] DMG over the targets health.
  • Lvl 5 (15pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 6 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (15pts): {FR} will not kill or knockout any target if the DMG dealt is less than [10+int mod] DMG over the targets health.
  • Lvl 8 (15pts): +1 Intelligence Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 9 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 10 (15pts): {FR} now reduces the targets health to [10] or their health, whichever is lowest.

Stage 6

  • Lvl 1 (15pts): Stoat Snap; HIT: [1d20+dex mod-3]; DMG (piercing): [2d6+claw dmg+dex mod]; For every [-3] penalty to HIT the user currently has from {AS}, reduce the crit threshold of this attack by 1. (1 action | Chainable) {SS}
  • Lvl 2 (15pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod-2]
  • Lvl 3 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 4 (15pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod-1]
  • Lvl 5 (15pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 6 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (15pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod]
  • Lvl 8 (15pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 9 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 10 (15pts): {SS} reduces the crit threshold for every [-2] penalty to HIT.

Large Success

Stage 1

  • Lvl 1 (18pts): {PS} DMG is now [2d8+claw dmg+dex mod+1].
  • Lvl 2 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 3 (18pts): {PS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod +2].
  • Lvl 4 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 5 (18pts): {PS} DMG is now [2d8+claw dmg+dex mod+2].
  • Lvl 6 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 8 (18pts): {PS} DMG is now [2d8+claw dmg+dex mod+3].
  • Lvl 9 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 10 (18pts): {PS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod +3].

Stage 2

  • Lvl 1 (18pts): {AS} reduces the DMG by only [20%].
  • Lvl 2 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 3 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 4 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 5 (18pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 6 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (18pts): {AS} reduces the DMG by only [15%].
  • Lvl 8 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 9 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 10 (18pts): Before an attack, after at least [3] chains using {AS}, the user can decide to deal [10\%] more DMG. However, this ends the users chain.

Stage 3

  • Lvl 1 (20pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [2d4+con mod+1].
  • Lvl 2 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 3 (20pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [2d4+con mod+2].
  • Lvl 4 (20pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 5 (20pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [3d4+con mod].
  • Lvl 6 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
  • Lvl 7 (20pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [3d4+con mod+1].
  • Lvl 8 (20pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 25)
  • Lvl 9 (20pts): {BB} DMG reduction is now [3d4+con mod+2].
  • Lvl 10 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)

Stage 4

  • Lvl 1 (20pts): {DT} DMG is now [5].
  • Lvl 2 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (20pts): {DT} DMG is now [7].
  • Lvl 4 (20pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 5 (20pts): {DT} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod+1].
  • Lvl 6 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 7 (20pts): {DT} DMG is now [10].
  • Lvl 8 (20pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 9 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 10 (20pts): {DT} HIT bonus is now [1.5] times the normal reduction to HIT {AS} would have gived.

Stage 5

  • Lvl 1 (25pts): {FR} will not kill or knockout any target if the DMG dealt is less than [12+int mod] DMG over the targets health.
  • Lvl 2 (25pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 3 (25pts): +1 Intelligence Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 4 (25pts): {FR} will not kill or knockout any target if the DMG dealt is less than [14+int mod] DMG over the targets health.
  • Lvl 5 (25pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 6 (25pts): {FR} will not kill or knockout any target if the DMG dealt is less than [16+int mod] DMG over the targets health.
  • Lvl 7 (25pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 8 (25pts): {FR} now reduces the targets health to [8] or their health, whichever is lowest.
  • Lvl 9 (25pts): +1 Intelligence Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 10 (25pts): During a chain where {FR} is used, the user now knows if an attack would have normally knocked out or killed the target.

Stage 6

  • Lvl 1 (25pts): {SS} DMG is now [2d6+claw dmg+dex mod+1]
  • Lvl 2 (25pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 3 (25pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 4 (25pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod+1]
  • Lvl 5 (25pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 6 (25pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 7 (25pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 30)
  • Lvl 8 (25pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod+2]
  • Lvl 9 (25pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300)
  • Lvl 10 (25pts): {SS} now deals an extra [10] DMG on a crit.