
Continent of Talaros

Planet: Boralidin
Native Race: Human
Capital: Tom
Primary Currency: Crests
Danger Level: Low
Number of Towns/Cities: 17

The first and only continent on Boralidin that has been made safe enough for humans to wander its lands without an immediate threat of death.

Talaros lush landscapes are split into three parts, Eastern Talaros, Central Talaros and Western Talaros.

Western Talaros

Western Talaros, known in history as the origin of the Pathfinders, a land full of bog land, dense lowland forests and mushroom groves ordered by verity of harsh coastal regions.

Western Talaros contains many intersting locations, far western cliff edges and hidden old ruins where treasures from the old world can be found.

In the south west, the Sun Empower of Orden threatens to burn the world causing wildfires and threatening the surrounding areas creating very tense political tension.

Towns and Cities

  • Heathwood
  • Orden
  • Redside
  • The Raft
  • Zink

Notable Locations

  • The Ash Fields
  • The Forgotten Grove
  • The Old Ruins
  • Weavers Den

Central Talaros

In early history, The grasslands that make up most of Central Talaros was the one place on Boralidin where a normal human could survive from Corrupt Beasts thanks to the Pathfinder's permanent stronghold, Tom. Even in modern day Tom still stands strong as the continents capital city, with the Patrician Lord Cenric steering the fate of Talaros as far away from madness as he can.

Towns and Cities

  • Limrell
  • Mareway
  • Spade
  • Tom

Notable Locations

  • The Old Groves

Eastern Talaros

The Eastern side of Talaros is definitely its more wild side with large redwood forests and deep sprawling cave networks, both of which holding old history and artefacts yet to be discovered. Strange Obelisks that seem to radiate with domain energy can be found deep within these lands surrounded by the now worshipped “uncorruptable” cats of the east.

Towns and Cities

  • Casten
  • Everbloom
  • Mosspeak
  • Murrwin
  • Odd Stones
  • Trost
  • White Cross
  • Woodfell

Notable Locations

  • Artificers Stronghold Research Camp
  • The Arena
    • The Swamps

The Currency of Talaros

In more recent times the people of Talaros primarily trade in crests, a non-volatile coin-like currency consisting of a guild or family crest on one side, and the ruler of the city it was minted in on the other.

The crests come in four types:

  • Copper Crests (or Cc for short)
  • Silver Crests (or Sc for short)
  • Gold Crests (or Gc for short)
  • Electrum Crests (or Ec for short)

Each crest is valued at 100 crests of the pervious tier. (In the order shown above, with Cc being the least valuable and Ec being the most valuable)