List of Rathadel Weapon Groups

A comprehensive list of all known weapon groups found in Rathadel


Name Weapon Group Description
Bladed Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having a sharp blade-like edge on the section used to hit a target.
Blunt Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having a dull or wide flat edge on the section used to hit a target.
Domain Weapons A weapon in this group has a feature that requires some form of domain energy.
Exotic Weapons A weapon in this group is odd by its own nature, perhaps it has a unique quirk or a is very difficult to master. All tend to be seen rarely.
Firearm Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by being a gun of some kind.
Heavy Weapon A weapon in this group is defined by having the Heavy or Two-handed property as a base property.
Hidden Weapons A weapon in this group is tends to be concealed by default. Are normally used to ambush or surprise.
Implicit Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having at least one implicit.
Light Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having the light or one-handed property as a base property.
Martial Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by being difficult to to learn/understand. It is not something that can be used without training.
Melee Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by not having a range or throw property as a base property.
Ranged Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having a range or throw property as a base property.
Reach Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having the reach property as a base property.
Silent Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having the silent property as a base property.
Simple Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by its ease and or simplicity to use. They tend to be quick to learn/understand.
Thrust Weapons A weapon in this group is defined as having to thrust forward in order to hit its target. Almost always deals piercing damage.
Versatile Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having the versatile property as a base property.
Wisdom Weapons A weapon in this group is defined by having the wisdom based property as a base property.