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Half-Desh – A cousin to the Brondesh the Half-Desh race thrives not on muscles, but on there senses making them keen and cunning, as well as curios, leading to many Half-Desh becoming well educated. And although the shortest race on Korodel, upsetting someone who could shoot you through the dense rain of Korodel in the night without braking a sweet is generally a bad idea.


  • Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score and your Wisdom score are increased by 2.
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 40ft
  • Languages: You can speak, read and write Olish and one other of your choice.
  • Bright Mind: You are smart, smart enough to learn a feat of your choice.
  • Sensory Overload: You enhance all your senses at once, giving you advantage in any Perception, Insight and Investigation roll. If used in combat this will give anything attacking you advantage. This can be used once per short rest.
  • Keen Eyes: Your eyes see more than any other race, giving you proficiency in the Insight and Perception skills.


  • Alignment: Any
  • Lifespan: Less than a century
  • Maturing age: Late teen years.
  • Height: Male (3’8” + 2d10) Female (3’4” + 2d10)
  • Weight: (80+ (height roll x 2d4)) lbs