
Brondesh – Tall Bronze skinned, four armed, muscling humanoids, looming over all other races, the Brondesh are normally a fighting race, found in most major settlements battling whatever is needed, whether that means working for the constables, or fighting the ancient abominations from below.


  • Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 35ft
  • Languages: You can speak, read and write Olish and Bronk.
  • Four Armed: With four arms instead of two you attack twice as fast. You can take an extra attack using weapons in your 3rd and 4th hands as a reaction. This ability can be repeated after a short rest.
  • Towering Strength: You can have advantage to intimidation rolls against things that are smaller than you.
  • Brondesh Muscle: You have proficiency in the Athletics and the Intimidation skills.


  • Alignment: Any
  • Lifespan: 110 Years.
  • Maturing age: Early twenties.
  • Height: Male (6’8” + 2d12) Female (6’4” + 2d12)
  • Weight: (160+ (height roll x 2d4)) lbs

Alt Brondesh (Royal Brondesh)

Requires the player to be a member of the Mistwood royal bloodline

Royal Brondesh – Tall Bronze skinned, six armed, muscling humanoids, looming over even the Brondesh, the Royal Brondesh are an elite among their kind. Found only within the City of Mistwood, this variant of the race is incredibly rare.


  • Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 4 and your Constitution score increases by 2.
  • Size: Medium - Large
  • Speed: 35ft
  • Languages: You can speak, read and write Olish and Bronk.
  • Six Armed: With six arms instead of four you attack exceptionally fast. You can take an extra attack using weapons in your 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th hands as a reaction. This ability can be repeated after a short rest.
  • Towering Strength: You can have advantage to intimidation rolls against things that are smaller than you.
  • Refined Brondesh Muscle: You have proficiency in the strength based skills.


  • Alignment: Any
  • Lifespan: 170 Years
  • Maturing age: Late teen years
  • Height: Male (7’8” + 2d12) Female (7’6” + 2d12)
  • Weight: (165+ (height roll x 2d4)) lbs