Unarmed Combat

Master of the Art: Amy Goldheart

Mastery Table


Iron Skin

You are taught a technique used to strengthen your body’s core. You feel your body harden to opponents blows and your fist feel sharper when making them.

Unarmed Combat Hit: 1d20 + strength modifier + proficiency modifier Unarmed Combat Damage: 1d4 + strength modifier

Gain an additional +2 to your strength and constitution scores. Gain proficiency in unarmed combat.

At level two: Gain an additional +2 to your strength and dexterity scores. Unarmed damage bonus: +2

At level three: Gain an additional +2 to your strength and constitution scores. Unarmed damage bonus: +4

At level four: Gain an additional +2 to your strength and dexterity scores. Unarmed damage bonus: +6

At level five: Gain an additional +4 to your strength score. Unarmed damage bonus: +8

Viper Strike

You are taught a technique that allows you to use your fist as an effective weapon against an enemy. As an action you locate a weakness in your opponent’s defences and drive you first forward delivering crippling results.

Viper Strike hit: 1d20 + strength modifier + proficiency modifier + 2 Viper Strike damage: 1d10 + strength modifier

At level 4: When targeting a specific body part, the damage multiplier used to calculate damage is doubled. (Targeting the head has an effective x4 damage modifier)

Disarming Strike

You learn a useful technique that allows you to level the playing field when close to your enemy. If the target smaller or the same size as you then you can attempt to disarm them for an action. Roll to hit with unarmed combat, if you beat your opponent’s strength saving throw then they roll a dice with the number of sides they have weapons. The dice roll represents how many weapons they drop, they choose which weapons to drop. Weapons fly out 15 feet in a direction decided by the DM. You also deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

At level 4: Roll a second acrobatics check, if that roll is still higher than opponents strength saving throw, you catch the weapon and can make a free attack with it assuming the weapon is able, and you can carry it.

Forceful Strike

Unarmed combat utilises more than just the hands, you learn a technique that uses your legs to knock back and confuse an opponent.

If you can move 15ft in a straight line at a target, for an action roll an unarmed combat hit against a target, if you hit deal your unarmed combat damage and if your hit roll is higher than your opponent’s strength saving throw, they are sent prone and confused {cannot target specific body part but can still hit you}. Roll an acrobatics, if it is lower that your hit roll you also fall prone.


If you are within melee range of a target you for a bonus action make an athletics roll, if its higher than the opponents acrobatics roll then they are knocked prone and are confused {cannot target specific body part but can still hit you}.

Rapid Strikes

You refine your techniques and work on firing them of in rapid succession.

Viper strike now requires a bonus action to use. Disarming strike and forceful strike can also be used with a bonus action, however with disadvantage