Incandescent Indexing

Provider of the Art: The First Tear of Change, also known as the Incandescent Tear.

Leveling Method

Unlike other masteries Incandescent Indexing requires no levels to increase its tier.

This mastery instead requires you to enhance the Well of Incandescence, the centrepiece of the Iterator of Change's Mind Palace. To do this the IoC must gather and refine the energy emitted from the well (or other sources) to create Incandescent Essence. Incandescent Essence is a central fuel for not only enhancing the IoC's abilities, but also for using them.

Mastery Table

Tier Incandescent Essence Requirement Incandescent Essence Storage Limit Features
0 Requires the Incandescent Tear 999 IE Gateway of Change, Well of Incandescence, Transfiguration of Form, Incandescent Indexing
1 1k Incandescent Essence 1.9k IE White Ribbon of the Well, Endless Edge
2 2k Incandescent Essence 2.9k IE Mercurial Mind, An Epiphany Frozen
3 3k Incandescent Essence 3.9k IE Prepared Thought, Pursuit of Change
4 4k Incandescent Essence 4.9k IE Form of Shattered Glass, Form of Smooth Silk
5 5k Incandescent Essence 5.9k IE Form of White Snow, Incandescent Meridians, The Wells Prayer


Gateway of Change

You are able to access a persistent mental palace at will. While within this mental palace, your physical body will remain in a similar form, with black clouded pupils, and will try to stay steady, but is technically incapacitated, blinded and deafened.

If your hit points are reduced to 20 or below while inside the the palace, you disappear from inside and wake up confused. While inside the construct you cannot sense anything outside the construct.

Well of Incandescence

In the centre of your mental palace an ever present will of glorious energy. It flows outwards from a chamber where your tear rests. Now that this energy has been unleashed within yourself, you feel its presence sweeping over your mind.

You are now able to store and manipulate Incandescent essence.

Gain +2 IE/ts

Gain an additional +1d4 IE/ts per iterator you are within 500ft of.

Gain an additional +4 IE/ts per savant you are within 500ft of.

You are unable to store more IE than your current tiers Incandescent Essence Storage Limit.

Transfiguration of Form

Your mind and body have never felt more connected.

Spend 5 IE to re-allocate 1 core stat ability score into any other core stat for 1 turn.

Spend 1 IE per re-allocated core stat ability score per turn you wish to sustain the re-allocation.

Afterwards, the ability scores return to normal and this ability cannot be used for 4+1d6 turns.

Incandescent Indexing

Observe, Collect, Unleash. Become change.

Gain one Incandescent Index Slot.

After touching any living target, you can spend 50 IE to gain a property that the target has. This property lasts for 1d6 turns.

White Ribbon of the Well

Guardian of your domain, creature of your mind.

You now gain a total of +3 IE/ts.

A Incandescent Ribbon now inhabits the mind palace. It can allocate unspent IE to complete tasks regarding construction in the palace. you issue it if it approves. This IE is returned if possible.

Endless Edge

Forge from those you have seen.

Sacrifice so others may thrive.

Gain 2 additional Incandescent Indexing Slots

For 20 IE You can distribute the duration of any one feature as you see fit to any other features.

Mercurial Mind

You gain access to the chamber of potential.

Inside the chamber of potential you are able to view ethereal images of things you have taken properties from. When touching these creatures you are also able to see all the properties they have given you.

By spending 100*x (where x is the tier of the property) IE you can unleash the potential stored within these discovered properties.

Unleashed properties can for a cost be summoned into empty slots without the need to take them from others for a cost of 50+(x*10) (where x is the tier of the property) IE..

An Epiphany Frozen

Touching creatures in the chamber of potential allows you enter a replica environment based on where you where when you first took a property from that creature.

Prepared Thought

Pursuit of Change

Form of Shattered Glass

Form of Smooth Silk

Form of White Snow

Incandescent Meridians

The Wells Prayer


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Tier 5

Tier 6