Casting: Control

Master of the Art: Wen

Mastery Table


Casting Companion

A Companion birthed from your mind is bound to you. It is the catalyst of your abilities and will share your memories and thoughts. Its form and cognitive functionality depends on your Casting type.

If you are a Pure Caster your companion will be small and behave animalistically. A pure Caster’s companion is genderless. It is comprised out of the pure metals return type you cast with.

If you are an Alloy Caster your companion will be humanoid and will have high levels of intelligence. An alloy caster will take the form of a humanoid with the opposite gender to its Caster. It is comprised out of the alloy’s return type that you can cast.

A Caster can operate in three states:

Stealth Form

A masked state that prevents other Casters from easily detecting your Companion. Not visible to you but can still be communicated with inside your head. Prevents most casting.

Standard Form

Companion is visible to only you and other Casters. Is clearly visible to you but cannot interact with the Material Plain. Ideal state for most casting. Cannot move more than 30ft in any direction from you.

Physical Form

Companion is visible to all and is physically located within the Material Plain (meaning they can interact with physical objects.) If within 5ft of the Caster, casting is possible. Communication can still be made within 100ft. While in Physical Form a Companion is able to be affected in a variety of ways by others.

To swap into or between forms a bonus action is required.

To enter Stealth Form, roll a stealth check and a Deception check and add those together. This new value is the Detection DC of your Companion. If being hunted, A Caster can be seeked by rolling an Arcana and a Perception roll. This value is the seeking roll. If the Seeking roll’s value is higher than the Detection DC then the Seeker senses the Companion.

Other than the bonus action cost, entering into Standard Form feels natural, and thus requires no other checks.

To enter Physical form and summon your companion into the Material Plain you require 40vis and 120units of the substance it is comprised of. It can remain for 4D10 turns in combat, or 2 hours out of combat.

Substance Containment

By touching a metal or substance you can already cast and know the exact quantity off, you can seemingly store it in some kind of internal space. You can store up to 100 ingots and 100 ingots worth of the substance internally (per type). To store an item, roll an Arcane check, if the roll is a one then the metal is lost, and your presence is felt. A visible ripple may also appear in this case. On a success the metal is stored and can be recalled with ease.

Faltered Flow

Your gain the ability to convert metal into a return substance. 1 ingot becomes 60 units of the substance. You can also manipulate both the metal and the return substance in a verity of ways. You feel like your current conversion rates are quite wasteful but have no means to make your techniques more effective.

Substance Trail

You find concentrating both a substance and a substantial amount of energy in a direction to be a very effective offensive technique. Although the energy seems to burn off the substance used the explosion of energy seems to be worth it.
Spread a substance in a line costing its movement in substance (10 units per 5ft). Damage = floor(vis amount/5)D10 Ink damage split between enemies on the line. Consumes all substance used to create the line. If the line is interrupted by something, the trail ends there.

Substance Construct

Consume an amount of energy and some of your internal substance (DM Discretion) to create a construct. The construct cannot be larger than medium size class and must be static in nature (unmoving) and non-mechanical. You can re-absorb a construct for half of what it cost to create the construct. If the construct is made out of a solid substance it will hold its form after being forged. Otherwise it will lose its form once let go.

Known Basic Construct Table

Substance Unit Cost Vis Cost Resultant
60 units 10vis Perfect Cube
5 units 5vis Darts (1d6)
3 units 3vis Lesser Darts (1d4)
360 units 20vis Long Sword (1d12)
240 units 20vis Short Sword (1d8)
480 units 50vis Light Armour (12+Dex(max 5))
5 units 4vis Bullet
30 units 30vis 5ft Short Wall (Half Cover)
?units 10vis Chair
10 units 10 vis Small Scroll
20 units 10 vis 100 page book's writing (words on each page)

Casting Quality Bonus. Items that are made with the construct are of exceptionally high quality. If the item constructed is a weapon then the bonus is added to the damage roll, if its armour then it’s added to the AC value. Otherwise the values effects are DM’s discretion. To calculate the bonus, roll an arcane check plus a forging roll divided by 15 rounded down.

Inner Alignment

You align yourself with your companion. You feel a new strength flow through them into you. You seem somehow more connected to your surroundings. Your understanding of energy is increased.

Material Cost for casting is halved. +5 to the Arcane skill

Memorable Objects

Any object (size medium or below) you spend more than a week with is considered a memorable object. These item are then addable to the Known Basic Construct List.

Casting Technique

Gain 3 “Technique points” that can be placed into the Casting techniques below. Gain 3 more at level 4.

Refined Objects

You start refining your creations, gaining more control over what you create with Substance Constructs:

Bladed weapons gain +2 to damage. Armour gains +2 to AC.

Partial Slicing

After probing your internal storage, you discover something amazing. You are storing your metals and substances in another realm, and its not empty. Although you don’t know what the other side looks like, you can slowly siphon access materials from the mysterious realm.

If you are pure, Gain 1 ingot of your castable metal per 1d4 days. (Roll every time you acquire a new ingot) Otherwise, roll 1d2 to decide which metal from the alloy you receive per 1d4 days. (Roll every time you acquire a new ingot) {In the case of Sterling, a 1 is an ingot of silver and a 2 is an ingot of Copper}.

Stabilzed Flow

With your improved understanding of where you are storing and drawing your materials from your ability to convert metal into a return substance is improved. It’s not perfect, but you are getting much better. 1 ingot becomes 80 units of the substance.

Symbiotic Form

You discover a fourth casting form. You notice that when aligning yourself with your companion you can still bring them forward into their physical form, doing this however causes something different.

Symbiotic Form

You can only last in this form for 1d4 turns per long rest. While in this form, your body is converted into the substance of your casting companion. You gain Phasing. You can also choose to insert the substance you are made of into your own form. For every 6 units of this substance gain +2 to your temporary health while this form is active. (This temporary health is lost when the State ends).

To enter this form, roll an Arcane check while casting. After the duration is over, you return into whatever your previous form was. If you roll a critical success and are below Casting Mark 2, you experience a vision from the other side. A strange ripple will be visible showing edges of something outlandish. All entities within line of sight below Casting Mark 2 must make a wisdom saving throw. If the roll is below the DC (Your Arcane modifier + 10) then they gain the Fightened for the duration of this form.

Elegant Objects

You continue to refine your creations further, gaining even more control over what you create with Substance Constructs:

Bladed weapons gain +4 (instead of +2) to damage

Armour gains +5 (instead of +2) to AC

Perfect Flow

You reach a new milestone with your abilities to control and convert metal. After serious study and secrets gained from your master you reach a level which you don’t think you can improve any longer. You manage to make 1 ingot translate into 100 units of its substance.

New Horizons

Your Master believes that you are ready for Mark 1 material. He tell you to choose one, and only one avenue to study from list below:

  • Unlock Master Class Casting: Aggressor
  • Unlock Master Class Casting: Artisan
  • Unlock Master Class Casting: Formless
  • Unlock Master Class Casting: Siphon

Casting Techniques

Way of the Butterfly

You begin to master throwing sharp projectiles at high speeds in high concentrations. As an action summon 2(+1 per point in way of the butterfly) kunai that deal 4d8+Acrobatics mod vis damage to a target within 100ft. Kunai cost: 10 units, 10 vis each.

Way of the Crocodile

You begin to master the snaring of entities in traps. As an action you create a line along the ground until a target is reached (10 units per 5ft), upon which a trap forms underneath them keeping them in place. The trap has 3d10(+1 per point in way of the crocodile) health. Trap cost: 60 units, 50 vis.

Way of the Crab

You gain the ability to move metal around yourself to keep yourself protected. You must allocate 20%(+2 per point in way of the Crab) of your total metal reserve rounded up to use this ability. Gain the number of ingots divided by 5 rounded down as extra AC.