Casting: Aggressor

Master of the Art: Wen or Uriath Dosahl

Mastery Table

Level Casting Marks* Features
1 T < 2 ⇒ +0.1 Basic Combat Forms
2 T < 2 ⇒ +0.1 Casting Techniques II, Purified Emanation
3 T < 2 ⇒ +0.1 Vis Infused Weaponry, Purified Emanation
4 T < 2 ⇒ +0.1 Secondary Combat Forms, Casting Techniques II, Purified Emanation
5 T < 2 ⇒ +0.1 Empowered Substance Spike, Purified Emanation

* These casting marks require conditions to be true in order to be obtained. The condition is found to the left of the ⇒ whereas the amount gained if the condition is met is on the right. Bold T represents your current total of casting marks.


Basic Combat Forms

With the fundamentals of casting control understood you finally learn how to wield your substance for combat. Casting combat comes in two primary forms; Vis Powered Attacks and Upheld Casting Attacks.

Vis Powered Attacks

Vis powered attacks are expensive but effective, often leaving the caster spent afterwards. Techniques learnt in control, like substance trail, fall under this category.

To those unable to channel Vis through a substance, many attacks made by casters result in lethal and unavoidable injury. As a caster however, you have a natural defense against attacks from your own kind. Your arcane skill represents your natural defense, similar to how skin gives a natural AC of 10. This natural defense can be enhanced through techniques like Way of the Crab and Purified Emanation.

When a Vis powered casting attack is made, another caster can attempt to counter it. This counter has no time cost and is either taken or ignored directly after the incoming attack regardless as to whether you are the target.

When an enemy caster attacks, the amount of Vis put into the attack is divided by 10. This acts as the incoming Casting Hit roll against your natural AC. If the hit roll surpasses your natural AC you can attempt to neutralize it in any way you see fit, expending an amount of Vis equal to the incoming attacks along with a substance cost of the DM’s choice.

Both sides Vis input and substance are burnt in this process.

Upheld Casting Attacks

Upheld Casting attacks are the far more common kind of attacks for trained casters to use and are widely considered more efficient for long-term combat.

To begin an Upheld Casting attack, the caster produces a weapon base made from their preferred substance. The Vis cost required to initially shape the substance into its weapon form becomes its base uphold cost. Its base damage mimics the weapon type plus its additional casting bonuses. Vis can then be added in a 10 to 1 ratio to the uphold cost to give the Upheld weapon a damage bonus.

E.G. If you make an upheld short sword, it costs 20Vis and 240units of substance to begin with. The current uphold cost per/turn is 20Vis and its base damage is 1d6+dex+your casting bonus. For every additional turn after this, for a bonus action, you can add Vis to the uphold cost to increase the damage of the upheld weapon. You add 100 Vis to the uphold cost and the weapon now has a +10 damage bonus (Its base damage is now 1d6+dex+your casting bonus+10) however, it now takes 120Vis per turn to uphold.

Failing to uphold this kind of Casting attack causes the weapon to re-absorb and you lose any damage bonuses it has built up to this point.

An upheld weapon cannot be ranged, the caster must be continuously making contact with the material of the weapon in question.

Casting Techniques II

At 2nd level Gain 5 ‘’Technique Points’’ that can be put into Casting Techniques from Casting: Control Gain 5 more points at level 4.

Purified Emanations

At 2nd level you practice strengthening your natural defense against oncoming Vis attacks. Gain a +5 to the Arcane Skill. Increase your internal Vis capacity by 50 Units.

For every additional level placed into Aggressor gain a +50 to your internal Vis Capacity.

Vis Infused Weaponry

At 3rd level, once per long rest you can enhance an upheld casting attack’s weapon, increasing its damage potential significantly.

Enhancing in this way grants your arcane skills bonus divided by 2 (rounded down) as extra vis damage until the upheld weapon is no longer sustained.

This effect can only be applied to the same weapon once.

Secondary Combat Forms

At 4th level you refine your basic combat forms, learning secondary features to modulate your base attacks with.

Vis Powered Attacks II

For every mark you are above an enemy caster gain a +5 bonus to your Casting Hit roll for Vis powered attacks.

You are now able to target specific body parts with Vis attacks however gain a -5 modifier to your Casting Hit roll.

Upheld Casting Attacks II

You learn how to modulate Upheld Casting weapons, twisting their forms to fit your intended use. You can now add One of the following implicits to an Upheld Casting weapon for an additional Vis and substance cost.

Implicit Additional Vis & Substance Cost
Reach (5ft) 60 Units per 5ft
Hindered (1 stack) 80 Units per Stack
Heart Bound (Heart bound claw) 200 Units
Serrated (deal 1 bleed stack) 250 Units
Weakening (applies weaken condition) 300 Units per Turn the effect lingers for.

Empowered Substance Spike

At 5th level you refine your Substance Spike, your oldest and most trusted Vis powered attack. You learn more efficient ways to channel your energy through it, wasting less material to create your trail.

You spread a substance in a line costing it’s movement in substance (5 units per 5ft). Damage = floor(vis amount*0.3)D10 vis damage split between enemies along the line. Consumes all substance used to create the line. If the line is interrupted by something, the trail ends there.