

Location Map

District Map

Status City
Region Eastern Flatland
Continent First Continent
  • The City of Kelus


Type Dynasty
Body Ambros Alguard
Primary Currency Chek


Primary Language Keshic
Most Common Race Human
Population count


  • Hollowpoint

The City of Kelus is one of the few independent locations on the first continent. In the Hollowpoint education system, Kelus is heavily downplayed and quickly glossed over, due to it's conflicting ideals.

Kelus is a city both rich in culture and talent, most of which is kept shielded from the rest of the world. As a location shrouded in mystery their main export is mostly unknown, although it is well documented that many of the continents Esoteric Infusions are acquired by the city, hinting at its substantial wealth.

The citizens of Kelus follow a unique lifestyle with most eventually pledging their allegiance to one of six banner lords and upholding a certain view of life. The views describe and help teach a person’s optimum combat styles, musical abilities, culinary practices, favored life skills and much more.

This odd culture has led Kelus to develop an incredibly strong general populous and as such holds some of the continent’s strongest natural citizens.


Kelus is one of the oldest city's to exist on the continent, with history stretching back as far as the ancient wars between the gods. Thought to be a stronghold against the invading demonic forces, the city of Kelus holds many relics from the fallout of those events in the forms of old temples, apparel and combat arts.

The key individuals of Kelus still wear black pendants that were created by Spirit Knights to defend them against the effects of demonic magics. Along side the Spirit Knights, Kelus is home to many of the Honour families, including the Honour Spears currently mastered by the emperor of Kelus, Ambros Alguard.

The city itself if built like a castle, bordered in it's entirety by a colossal wall, manned at all times. Despite it's old age, the wall itself is kept in respectable condition, and can be credited for the defense of the city in modern times. for as long as can be remembered Kelus has been independent, though attempts have been made from Hollowpoint to establish relations. These attempts have always been shot down, due to a dislike for the capital and it's ideals.


Some of the key locations in Kelus include:

The Imperial Arena

The Imperial Arena is a central building and one of the staple landmarks of Kelus. It is usually used to host scheduled or very high importance duels and is open to public viewing. It has many side chambers, most of which pose as armories, store houses and medical bays which all eventually lead out into the central combat space. It is always the location of fights involving the emperor.

The Dawn Arena

The Dawn Arena is one of the twinned imperial arenas in the city, it is named after it's habit to be the starting place of most legendary duelists within the city. The Dawn Arena is a public arena, meaning all are able to view it and matches are documented. Opponents within this arena are asked to make their techniques and abilities known, profiling them for later battles.

The Dusk Arena

The Dusk Arena is the twinned arena to the Dawn Arena, unlike the Dawn Arena this location hosts private duels. While audiences are welcome to watch, techniques are not documented and opponents are randomized. A participant of the Dusk Arena doesn't have to reveal their identity or banner allegiance, with most opting to wear white within the ring.

The Palace

The palace is located at the far east side of the city, resting at it's highest point and visible from every location. It is a large, ancient and ornate building, decorated with carvings and paintwork. The palace itself consists of many buildings including; the throne room, the main meeting hall, the royal barrack, the emperors personal training hall and courtyard along with living quarters at the far end.

The Main Gate

One of the most heavily guarded locations in the city, the main gate is the only official way in and out of kelus, for most people this is where attempts at contacting the city draw to a halt. Despite the walls that surround it, the gate itself is fairly small by comparison, though no less ornate. It is built to close quickly and hold strong against any form of barrage that may come against it.

Entrance into kelus is strictly monitored, despite the main gates militaristic appearance it's admin system is surprisingly well run.

The Under-Ruins

[Currently Unseen]


The city is divided between many different political powers, though most stand on equal ground. Kelus is split into Districts, with each of the six banner houses having responsibility over 3. The Banner houses are responsible for monitoring and keeping the peace within their specified districts, sharing in important decisions regarding the city and training the citizens in their chosen paths. While not all get along, they are civil enough with each other to work as an effective unit. The districts are split as followed:


Invar District, Korodin District, Cerrobend District


Pewter District, Platridium District, Zircaloy District


Sterling District, Belmite District, Kovar District


Duralumin District, Electrum District, Vitallium District


Brass District, Terne District, Inconel District


Spelter District, Ruborium District, Outer District District


Stellite District

Mediating this is the Imperial guard, a neutral force made up of the highest rank from each banner house, used to monitor the Stellite district that is run by the Palace itself. Above the imperial guard are they Royal Guard, in charge of directly defending the Royal Family and it's home.

Casters in Kelus have an impossibly good deal, protected by the city and at no threat of the outside world they are free to live their lives as they choose. Many still decide to work for the palace an an imperial caster, helping supply their city with material but they are not strictly held there and are most certainty not owned.

The City of Kelus used a currency known as Chek, it is strictly limited to the city and not used anywhere else on Korodel. Chek are painted, treated wooden charms with symbols on them which represent their value. The paint used is unique to specific birth types produced by the city's native casters and so can only be created by certain lines.

A large part of the Kelus culture revolves around the arena leagues, these leagues are like small repeating championships that eventually build up to a large scale imperial battle against the emperor. After which all league results are re-set and all competitors once again begin to build up to the imperial battle. These festivities keep morale very high within the city.

Despite being independent, Kelus is still partially reliant on the split for the majority of it's metals. As such they try to circumvent the Hollowpoint Governing System by buying directly from the layers or individual houses.


The City of Kelus is built in tiers that slowly ascend the further into the city you go.

The lowest level is at the main gate and continues in a crescent shape about a third of the way into the city, it consists almost entirely of Gardens, Shrines and occasional Buildings. This level is also home to the city livery.

The second level is the most active, taking up the central stretch of the city. This level houses most of the citizens, trade and leisure activities within the city, all shops be them building or stalls are found here in designated market sectors. Along with trade, this layer is home to the Central Imperial Arena, which marks the center piece of Kelus. The Imperial Arena is bordered on each side by the Dusk and Dawn Arenas, the only other imperial arenas in the city.

The third and final layer is home to the palace and the banner houses and guest accommodation for when they do have the occasional visitor.


The population of Kelus is widely considered the strongest general population on Korodel. They have a unique lifestyle and belief system which allow them to fundamentally excel above those outside of their walls. The population is fairly xenophobic and rarely allows outsiders into the city, as such they have developed a unique appearance with most citizens sporting blonde hair and rarely seen bright eyes. The majority of the population is human though you occasionally find a few half-desh and shadeskin in the mix.

The population of Kelus speak Keshic and Olish, Keshic is only known by the native population as is not taught to outsiders.

Noteworthy Individuals

Some of the most noteworthy individuals in Kelus include heads of the banner garrisons and the royal consort. Along with Ambros Alguard, the current emperor, the royal consort includes; Freya Patel, the head of the royal guard and Uriath Dosahl, the squire/ court caster of the emperor.

The Stag Banner

Based around Strength, the Stag Banner is represented by the color red. Their combat techniques specialize in melding swordplay and gun-work into one. They are considered one of the Stable banners on the Discipline Star. Cairo Crassus, the reverend posted in Whitewood, is pledged to this banner.

The Wolf Banner

Based on a hybrid of Dexterity and Strength, the Wolf Banner is represented by the color purple. Their combat techniques specialize in the use of Hidden Weapons and Thread. They are widely considered a banner to be cautious of and many view their skill with trickery as something to be remembered.

The Cat Banner

Based around Dexterity, the Cat Banner is represented by the color green. Their combat style utilities hooks and claws, moving quickly and rapidly to take out their enemies before they can be caught. Considered a somewhat slippery and spry group they're particularly annoying to pin down although what they make up for in speed they certainty lack in brute strength.

The Bear Banner

Based around Constitution, the Bear Banner is represented by the color Blue. Their combat style specializes in reach weapons, keeping their enemies at a distance. They are a sturdy bunch and are considered one of the tankier banners.

The Ox Banner

Based on a hybrid of Dexterity and Constitution, the Ox Banner is represented by the color Yellow. They combine the use of Bows and Shields within their combat style making them a surprisingly sturdy banner when it comes to defense. Many people who follow this banner prefer to be left alone, enjoying the peace found in solitude.

The Ram Banner

Based on a hybrid of Constitution and Strength, the Ram Banner is represented by the color Orange. The ram banner specialists in the use of heavy weapons, two handed axes and other such things. They fight using heavy blows and swings and are considered a difficult adversary to counter in brute force.


Kelus is an interesting city, it's leadership is ever-changing and yet it has one of the most stable governing systems on Korodel. The position as emperor always stems from a long royal family, represented in lineage by unique golden eyes. Every 30 to 40 years, assuming an heir is in rank to take over their position, the current ruling party 'ascends' leaving the material plane to a location widely referred to as The Island.

The Island is the end goal for most individuals of Kelus, it is a place ruled by Optonin for those who have reached a high enough stage and are deemed as worthy. However, it is exceedingly difficult to get to and it's entrance is shrouded to most, each must find the way in on their own.