Kelus Combat Techniques

Discipline Star

Discipline Star

The Discipline Star of Kelus, it represents the affiliations between the different banners.

The Six Disciplines

The City of Kelus houses six Banner Houses, each of which represents a different discipline. These six disciplines represent different mindsets one can uphold and as such have a strong influence over those who follow them. Choosing which discipline to follow is an incredibly important choice for a Kelus citizen, it builds the foundation for self-perception and guides them on the path to living as close to a perfect life as they can.

Initially there were only three disciplines; The Stags, The Bears and The Cats. These three banners existed during the ancient times, whilst the first continent was still at war with the demons. At this time succession through murder was still rife and the houses often conflicted due to their mindsets. However, after a union between The Stag and The Bear banner lords of the time, the aggressive mindset of the city calmed and the outlook between the different banners become more of a healthy, competitive one.

This time of peace eventually gave way to the emergence of three more disciplines; The Wolf, The Ox and The Rams. These disciplines were somewhat of a hybrid between the three originals but were soon able to hold their ground against them, eventually leading them to be recognized as separate pathways and accepted among the banner houses of the city.

The Pure Disciplines

The Stags

Represented by the colour red, stags represent pure strength. The stag mindset is very headstrong, confident and prideful. They carry themselves with an air of power and passion. Despite this, they are one of the more reserved disciplines, strongly valuing respect and their social image.

Stag fighting styles center around the combination of Guns and Swords, specializing in the sift between long and close range.

The Bears

Represented by the colour blue, bears represent pure constitution. The bear mindset is very enduring, sturdy and patient. They carry themselves with an air of intense self-control. It is incredibly difficult to anger a bear and they strongly value tolerance and a patience towards others.

Bear fighting styles center around reach weaponry, specializing in keeping enemies at spears reach and outlasting them in combat.

The Cats

Represented by the colour green , cats represent pure dexterity. The cat mindset is very curious, energetic and social. They carry themselves with an open and somewhat flamboyant attitude and are rarely seen alone, preferring the company of anyone and everyone. Cat's have boundless amounts of energy and use it to full effect to out maneuver opponents.

Cat fighting styles center around Hooks and Claws, specializing in rapid multi-attacks and disarming, tearing into their opponents before they have a chance to react.

The Hybrid Diciplines

The Wolves

Represented by the colour purple, wolves represent both strength and dexterity. The wolf mindset is the most mysterious of all, valuing mental prowess and perception over brute strength. Wolves are very subtle and one of the most spiritual disciplines, being the only one to utilize meditation in their training. They tend to keep to small constant groups and are otherwise one of the least social disciplines.

Wolf fighting styles center around Hidden Weaponry and Thread Weaponry, specializing in unseen or silent attacks and are always predicting their opponents next move.

The Rams

Represented by the colour orange, rams represent both strength and constitution. The ram mindset is very straightforwards, preferring to cut to the chase. While often times they can be quite blunt, they are one of the most genuine disciplines and the least likely to lie. They are perhaps the second most social discipline, enjoying the company of anyone who can entertain them.

Ram fighting styles center around Great weapons, specializing in slow but hard hitting attacks. Their fighting style can sometimes be seen as reckless or self-endangering but in their mind, if they land a hit first then the opponent wont be hitting them back anyway.

The Ox's

Represented by the colour yellow, ox's represent both constitution and dexterity. When it comes to an ox's mindset their is only ever really one common theme, what they think in their head, stays in their head. They are the least social discipline, valuing independence and solitude. Like the bears, they have a sturdy sense of patience, but value individual growth significantly more than social image.

Ox fighting styles center around Bows and Shields, specializing in balancing the two large pieces of equipment to become a long range, defensive unit.

List of Kelus Combat Techniques