Uriath Dosahl

Uriath Dosahl

Kelus Royal Guard

Uriath's Uniform



Race Human
Gender Male
Age 23
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Deep Blue
Height 5ft9in
Weight 145lbs

Professional Status

  • Kelus
  • Caster
  • Royal Guard

Personal Status

Living Status Alive
Current Location Kelus

Used Arts

  • Casting

Uriath Dosahl is both the personal caster, body guard, squire and best friend of Ambros Alguard. The two are as thick as thieves and are not often seen without the other, having grown up and trained together in Kelus since a young age. He also acts as an informal right hand to Freya Patel, the current head of the Royal Guard ensuring that she gets her daily quota of emotion between all her tireless hours of work. The two get along in a strange kind of way and have a mutual respect for one another.


Uriath is a 23 year old Human Male, He is slightly above average height for his race, standing in at around 5ft9in. He has a toned build but appears less bulky than most in his uniform. He has the traditional pale skin and blonde hair of a Kelus citizen, as well as deep blue eyes which is uncommon for his race. He keeps his hair in a long, tied back ponytail, though strands do occasionally fall out despite his best efforts.

He wears both the attire of the royal guard as well as the recognized sash of a Caster.





Uriath is an Inconel Caster, His major known Birthtypes are a Gold variant of Colored Wool and Golden Dye. His Casting companion's Name is not yet known.

Known Arts

Known Masteries
