Emilio Reyner

Emilio Reyner

Bounty hunter

Emilio wearing his nickel-cobalt blend armour painted white, the colour best representing Whitewood.

  • Emilio “Em” Reyner
  • The Thief
  • Lord Reyner


Race Half-Desh
Gender Male
Age 20
Hair color Light Brown
Eye color Green
Height 4ft 8in
Weight 140lbs

Professional Status


Personal Status

Living Status Alive
Current Location Kelus
  • Sarah Reyner (Mother)
  • Kieran Reyner (Father)
  • Alexander Reyner (Brother - Deceased)

Used Arts

  • Esoteric Infusion
  • Shade Sigils
  • Linking
  • Crowning
  • The Bond of the Protector

Emilio is one of two player characters who currently find themselves as protagonists for the first campaign set on the continent of korodel.

After recently taking over from his father, Emilio sits as the current commissioner of Whitewood.

Going into arc 3, he's planning a political trip to the city of Kelus to attempt to ask for funding from the emperor in order to form Whitewood into a better city and enact some cunning plans he has for a new government there.


Emilio is a 20 year old pure blood half-desh.

Average in height for his race, standing in at around 4ft8in, he has a surprisingly muscular build for his sharp appearance.

He sports lightly hawkish facial features, a clean shaven face, long ears and is fairly handsome when not giving people a flat look. He has exceedingly pale skin for his race due to his upbringing in Whitewood. His hair is light brown and sits in a straight, short and somewhat spiky fashion over his face and he has bright green eyes, typical of half-desh.

Emilio is a well groomed individual, almost always seen in a uniform blue jacket and brown shirt, however in recent months since his take over he's adopted a jacket wider recognized as the city leaders attire.

He has a belt which holds practical items, such as flasks and peridot yet seems unusually lightly packed due to the majority of his weaponry being Esoteric Infusions.

He often is seen with a spelter gauntlet on his right arm, obtained from a fight with the lieutenant of the research branch (The Midnight Council). Whilst hunting however the addition of a Nickle/Cobalt blend set of white armor can be added to his apparel.


bit of a dickhead but we love him


wraith ate his brother, riparoony


literally fucking everything + reyner charm

Known Arts

Known Masteries


loves amy