Edward Flynn


Cast Shop Owner

  • Ed


Race Human
Gender male
Age 23
Hair color Dark Brown
Eye color Dark Brown
Height 5ft5in
Weight 135lbs

Professional Status

  • Whitewood
  • Cast Shop Owner
  • Inventor
  • Whitewood Council Member

Personal Status

Living Status Alive
Current Location Kelus
  • Unknown Deceased (Mother)
  • Unknown Deceased (Father)

Used Arts

  • Linking
  • Crowning

The third major NPC to join the main party, Ed runs the only cast shop in the city of whitewood. He is generally considered the smartest of the bunch and is the lead inventor for all the weird trinkets the group possesses. He was first met by Immerey Garntail and later Emilio Reyner upon arriving back in the city and the three quickly became close friends. After being introduced to zirconium by Emilio Reyner he became the groups tinkerer, doing most of the research and experiments regarding new metals and their properties.


Ed is a 23 year old Human male, he has a smaller frame than most but is generally well built and significantly stronger than he looks. He has fairly chiseled features, if not a little soft on the edges and a squared face. He has a slightly tanned skin-tone, unusual for his race and his face is dotted with light freckles. He has dark, curly hair that often seems a little out of control. Ed has deep, dark brown eyes and stands in at around 5ft5in, on the shorter side of his race.

He wears a set of round glasses on his face at all times, a set of goggles is also usually sat atop his head while working. He wars a light brown shirt and darker trousers with a small brown waist coat that buttons over top. He wears a stained, white apron around his belt while working along with a collection of small tools and vials. In addition to this, whilst on the trip to Kelus, he has brought a large tower shield of his own design with him that he wears on his back.


Edwards is a relatively Upbeat and Optimistic individual, he is a critical thinker and enjoys solving problems, tending to hope for the best results. Reliable and Sensible, he is trusted with the majority of secrets the main party comes across, along with being elected early on as a member of the Whitewood council. His enthusiasm does occasionally lead to him getting carried away with his experiments, with his cast shop occasionally… slightly exploding or catching alight. He is surprisingly confident and the kind of person that can easily catch you off guard in a conversation, though from an outside perspective can seem somewhat adorable.
He is very empathetic and cares a lot for the group of friends he's gained, often making sure to check in and talk to them if they seem to be in a rough spot.



Known Arts

Known Masteries
