Ambros Alguard

Ambros Alguard

Emperor of Kelus

The youngest of his current line, the emperor of Kelus.

  • Greeter at the Black Gate


Race Human
Gender Male
Age 22
Hair color Golden-Blonde
Eye color Gold
Height 6ft
Weight 160lbs

Professional Status

  • Kelus
  • Emperor of Kelus
  • Duelist

Personal Status

Living Status Alive
Current Location Kelus
  • Unknown (Mother)
  • Unknown (Father)
  • Matthew Alguard (Brother)

Used Arts

Ambros Alguard is the youngest of his bloodline, the last child of the emperors line left in Kelus. Since his brothers ascension a few years ago, he has taken over position as emperor and is incredibly popular within his own court. Unfortunately for him, his current situation leaves him at a crossroad. Without a younger sibling to succeed him, he must produce an heir before he is able to ascend and re-join his own family. Now with the potential of Whitewoods leader seeking an audience with him, who knows where the next few years of his reign will lead.


Ambros is a 22 year old human male. He has an incredibly well built form, visibly muscular and toned. He stands in at about 6ft, making him tall for his race. He has a pale tan complexion and clear skin, his facial features are chiseled and strong giving him a very attractive appearance. He has striking golden eyes and hair, seen throughout his family line and marking him as having emperors blood in his veins. He keeps his hair neatly trimmed and short, often pushed back over his head for presentation.

He can often be seen wearing gold/yellow, white and black robes, presentable casual attire for the emperor. Like most members of Kelus, he has a smooth black charm hanging from a cord around his neck. His dueling wear is currently unknown.




Known Arts

Known Masteries
