Shade Sigils

The Sigils are a form of augmentative ability designed and heavily utilised by Lunlin. In order to use a Sigil a user must either be blessed with one of the specific Sigil enabling titles provided to Lunlin’s special chosen, or a user can be given access to the Sigils via proxy from someone who has a title. The resultant Sigil ability is based on the specific type of the Sigil. Sigils are written in Eldershade, a glyphic language used by the Proto-Shade and Shadeskin in Abyssus.

A Sigil is a connection to Lunlin, these channels as already mentioned can be extended to others if the holder has the ability to do so. Those with the Sigil are now connected to you which are then connected to Lunlin, making you a proxy. Because of this, for each person you share your Sigils with, the weaker everyone’s Sigil potency will become.

Active Sigils

A holder of Sigils can hold several Sigils at once. If the user is comprised of shade, they can hold Form Sigils, otherwise they cannot. As for Talent Sigils, the holder can hold one Utility Talent Sigil, one Offensive Talent Sigil and one Defensive Talent Sigil. The user can also hold 1 Title Sigil. Other than the title Sigils, Sigils can be exchanged if they decide to use a different title holders Sigils. If the user is a title holder that can hold their own Sigil and wishes to change them, they can do so only in Abyssus with the aid of Lunlin herself.

Form Sigils

Shadeskin are reliant upon Sigils to survive. Although many surface Shadeskin are unaware of it, each Shadeskin has a form Sigil that shapes their physical form, and without it they would breakdown into shade. This Sigil can be swapped out to gain different forms that contain different properties. These Sigils are only effective for beings whose physical forms are composed of shade.

Talent Sigils

Another type of Sigil that can be found are the Talent Sigils. These Sigils bestow a talent to the holder. These talents can be vast in variety and are useable by most races.

List of Sigils

Form Sigils

Talent Sigils


Sigil of Shade Jumping

Activation Time 1 action
Range Any shadow in sight within 100ft
Duration Instant
Description When in a shadow teleport to anywhere in range. Cannot be used again for 2 turns with a restriction of 10 uses per long rest.

Sigil of the Eternal

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Gain two extra death save. (If you had 3 you now have 5)

Sigil of the Offensive

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Can hold one extra Offensive Talent Sigil.

Sigil of the Barbed Offensive

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Can hold one extra Offensive Talent Sigil, you lose one death saving throw (if you had 3 you now have 2).

Sigil of the Defensive

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Can hold one extra Defensive Talent Sigil.

Sigil of the Barbed Defensive

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Can hold one extra Defensive Talent Sigil, you lose one death saving throw (if you had 3 you now have 2).

Sigil of the Mountain

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Can hold two extra Utility Talent Sigils but cannot hold an Offensive Talent Sigil.

Sigil of the Valley

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Can hold two extra Utility Talent Sigils but cannot hold a Defensive Talent Sigil.

Sigil of Seduction

Activation Time 1 Action
Range 30ft
Duration 1 Hour
Description You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. The target makes a wisdom saving throw against your persuasion roll. If it fails the create regards you with awe and attraction, inclined to please you however it can. The charm effect ends if it is harmed or if the Sigils effect duration runs out. In which case the target knowns they have been charmed. If they succeed nothing happens, and they can’t be targeted by this Sigil for 1d6 hours.

Sigil of Identity

Activation Time 1 Bonus action.
Range 15ft
Duration 1 minute
Description Choose a target within sight, that targets Sigils are visible for to you for the duration.

Sigil of Retrieval

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description After attacking with a ranged/firearm weapon users of this Sigil can Roll 1d4, on a 4 your ammo was not consumed. (25% to not consume ammo)

Sigil of the Duel

Activation Time 1 bonus action.
Range 30ft
Duration Until the target is dead, or the Sigil effect is interrupted.
Description You attempt to compel a sentient entity into a duel. Choose a target within range, the target must make a wisdom saving throw against your persuasion roll. If the target fails, the creature is drawn to you. For the duration of the duel the target has disadvantage on attack rolls made against entities other than you. If the target has the option to attack you or something else in range, it must pick you. If the target is damaged by an entity that isn’t you then the Sigil effect is interrupted and the duel ends.


Sigil of the Death Walker

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1 hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the holder’s armour does not contribute to their AC. Your Critical hit chance is lucky, your damage with critical strikes is lucky and enemies critical damage against you is also lucky.

Sigil of Second Sight

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1 hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the holder gains the blind effect. However, you can sense the minds of those within 15 feet of you. Hits targeting the head are now at advantage.

Sigil of the Ancillary Shade

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1 Action)
Range 60ft
Duration Till toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, after attacking an hostile, the holder of the Sigil can select a second target within range that they can see and deal half of the physical damage (slashing, bludgeoning, piercing) from that attack to the new target. A shade weapon taking the shape of whatever weapon/ammunition was used for the first attack, attacks the new target using your hit value.

Sigil of the Death Eater

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1 full long rest)
Range Self
Duration Till toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, you have 1 AC. Modifiers to your AC are ignored. Your Maximum Health is reduced by 50% (round down). You lose one death saving throw (if you had 3 you now have 2). Damage is increased by 400%.

Sigil of the Critical Stance

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1 Hour)
Range Self
Duration Until Toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the holders total attack damage is reduced by an additional 50%, however their critical damage is increased by an additional 50%

Sigil of Sleep

Activation Time 1 Action
Range 50ft
Duration 1 minute
Description Choose a point within range, any creatures with 20ft are affected by the Sigil. The Sigil causes entities within the area to become increasingly tired. Roll 5d10 and starting with the weakest creature, remove the points from their health. If a target hits 0 hp they fall asleep for the Sigils effect duration.

Sigil of Rebuke

Activation Time 1 action
Range 30ft
Duration instant
Description You raise a hand and select an entity within range that damaged within the current round, they target is suddenly attacked by tentacles of shade. It must make a dexterity saving throw against your dexterity score. If the target fails it takes 2d10+Wisdome modifier shade damage. On a success it takes half as much damage.

Sigil of Piercing

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description The holder of this Sigil gains 1d10 damage to weapons that deal piercing damage. This damage hits targets even if the holder’s hit roll doesn’t pass the AC of the target.

Sigil of Homing

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Projectiles fired by you cannot by dodged by master evasion or other similar dodge skills/talents.

Sigil of Movement

Activation Time 1 Dash action.
Range Dash range.
Duration instant.
Description While making a dash action, if you dash into a target, they take 1d10 damage per 10ft of movement travelled.

Sigil of Juggernaut Movement

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Heavy armour no longer has any stealth reductions.


Sigil of Phasing

Activation time Toggle on/off (1 Hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the holder’s AC is halved (Round down) however when they are hit, they roll a d10, if the roll is a 8 or higher than the damage is dodged. (30% chance to dodge)

Sigil of Sanctuary

Activation Time 1 action
Range Touch
Duration 10 minutes
Description After touching a target, you place the Sigils effect on the aforementioned target. Entities that try to hit the target must make a wisdom saving throw against your arcane throw. If the hostile entity fails, then it must choose a different target to attack or loose the attack. The Sigil can only be placed on one person at a time and won’t protect targets from AoE effects. The next time the target attacks they lose the effect of the Sigil.

Sigil of the Broken Shield

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1 hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the holder’s AC is doubled, however hits under your AC still deal %50 of their damage to you.

Sigil of the Unbreakable Stance

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the holder will always be hit, but cannot be crit, stunned or knocked back.

Sigil of Thorns

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, hits that don’t get pass you AC trigger thorns. Thorns: The attacker take 1Dx damage where x = your AC.

Sigil of Reduction

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, reduce your AC by 30% (round down), gain 10% of your maximum health as damage reduction. (round down)

Sigil of the Juggernaut

Activation Time Toggle on/off (1hour)
Range Self
Duration Until toggled off.
Description While the Sigil is active, the user’s standard movement speed is 20ft and cannot be affected by other modifiers. Gain the loss as maximum health fur the duration of the effect. (If you had 30ft movement, you have 20ft movement +10 to your maximum health)

Sigil of Last Stands

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description While active, if the holder hasn’t been in death saving throws within the last 5 turns and the holders HP reaches 0 then they roll 1d10 and gain the result back as health. The holder has one less death save (If the holder had 3 death saves, they now have 2)

Sigil of Barbed Cover

Activation Time 1 action.
Range Self
Duration 1 minutes.
Description While the Sigil has been activated by the holder AC bonus granted by cover is doubled. Players maximum health is reduced by 20% (round down).

Sigil of Might

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description If the holder wears heavy armour, the holder’s movement speed is set to 10ft and modifiers effecting movement are ignored. The difference is divided by 5 and floored. That value is then added to the holders AC.

Title Sigil

Sigil of the Daughter

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Enables the holder of the Sigil to create constructs and speak in Shadetounge. User can also Hold Sigils. Inherently good at charisma skills, gain +5 to charisma modifier (+10 to score).

Sigil of the Thief

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Enables the holder of the Sigil to steal a titled Sigil user’s traits although, the holder won’t be inherently good at the traits stolen. User can also Hold Sigils.

Sigil of the Brother

Activation Time Passive – Effect always active.
Range Self
Duration Passive – Lasts Forever while you hold the Sigil.
Description Enables the holder of the Sigil to enter a trance like state. When in that state, they can see and feel the senses of whoever is the prime holder of the Sigil of the Daughter. Inherently good at wisdom and intelligence-based skills, gaining a +10 to both stats modifiers.