Shade Evocation

Shade Evocation

Manifestor Art

Art Details

Potency Standard
Combination Lunlin & Selinle



One of the most popular arts utilized by the demonic forced during the war of the old gods. Shade evocation is a rarely practiced but still historically documented art. While its existence is practically forgotten on the surface of Korodel, those who reside within the split and more commonly, Abyssus still have relatively fresh accounts of it's use, not to mention those locked in the vault who still practice it.

Shade Evocation

Shade evocation is the Manifestor art formed from a combination Lunlin and Selinle aspects.

The art itself revolves around the idea of controlling, summoning and channeling shade. Shade is the lifeforce of all shade races, the Shadeskin and the Proto-Shade.

Shade, also known to the Proto-Shade as Midnight’s Breath, is a malleable, modular living essence able to animate and hold forms. Shade itself can be bound to certain forms and allowed certain abilities and mindsets (see Shade Sigils.) however Shade can also be used by those who know how to evoke it to wield the essence with their own will.

The techniques used by Shade Evokers can be broken down into 3 categories:

  • Shade Arrays – Cantrip like shade magic that perform simple tasks.
  • Shade Spells – Advanced magic that draws its power from evoked shade.
  • Shade Symphonies – Extremely complex shade magic that gets stronger the more Shade evokers are involved.

In order to use any of the above a Shade Evoker will require the ability to evoke Shade, a trait that stems from the original proto-shade evocation sect. Additionally a Shade Evoker requires written knowledge from the sect, and eventual branches, in order to practice the arts.

Other tools can be used to enhance and augment the art itself, however these artifacts where treated as heirlooms to the original Shade Evokers who either created them themselves or had them given to them by Selinle. As most of these entities where sealed away within the vault beneath Abyssus, much like the Technique Tomes, these tools have been lost.

Evoking Shade

After gaining the ability to Evoke Shade, you will find yourself slowly amassing a small quantity of Shade that can be called upon when needed. This acts similarly to an Internal Vis Capacity though store significantly less. The origin of this Shade is mostly unknown, but most techniques speak of this Shade as the breath of Lunlin or Midnight Breath and imply that the strange essence either stems from her body in Abyssus or perhaps a pool or lake nearby.

When first gaining the trait, an Evoker will be able to hold up to 3 Shade Essence, After a long rest an Evoker will gain back this shade essence, however if they hold more than this maximum value, any additional shade essence is lost. On a short rest, only one essence is regained, and if over the maximum shade essence count, any additional shade essence is lost.
There are little known ways to tell if someone has shade essence attuned to them in modern times until they actually invoke it for a spell or symphony however, in the ancient war times it is though that the Ancient ones used to drink the blood of Shade Evokers, trapping some of this Shade energy within them. Upon the approach of a Shade Evoker or Shade-based creature, this essence would try to escape them, causing black tears to form and leak from the drinkers eyes.

Although it is possible for Shade Evokers to safely gather shade, sometimes situations call for the use of Shade even when an Evoker has depleted any shade they had attuned with. Enter Over-Evocation. Over-Evoking is an incredibly dangerous act that allows you to violently draw Shade instantly, tearing it from its place of rest. This angers the essence and will likely lead to negative effects. Because of the dangers of Over-Evocation and the mind set required to achieve it, it is only possible to be executed in the heat of combat. When trying to Over-Evoke a player must roll an effect from the table below.

Over Evocation Table

Roll Effect
1-2 You fall unconscious for 1d4 turns.
3-4 An Overpowering series of screaming voices fill your mind and deafens you for 1d4 turns and deals 10d20 mental damage.
5-6 Your resistances waiver for 1d4 turns.
7-8 Become Weakened for 1d6 turns.
9-10 A black, ink-like substance begins to seep from your eyes dealing 10d20 mental damage and rendering you blind for 1d4 turns.
11-12 Take 20d20 Shade damage.
13-14 You become unable to use Shade Spells for 1d4 turns.
15-16 You become unable to use Shade Symphonies for 1d4 turns.
17-18 Nothing happens.
19-20 You feel a sudden surge of power flood through you as you gain an additional Shade Essence.

Over-Evoking can only be done 3 times per long rest.

Shade Evocation Sects & Heirlooms

The Evoker sects where groups of Proto-Shade who where skilled and well trained in the art of shade Evocation. Each sect had different idea about how the art should be optimally used and thus each have distinct styles. The masters and highly skilled members of these sects were said to hold powerful heirlooms that where able to augment how the shade essence naturally behaved. It is unknown how these where originally made. However, it is rumored they where gifts given by Selinle herself.


Sect of Evocation Heirlooms
Engraved Glass Ring When wearing this ring, the range of all Shade spells are increased by an additional 50ft.
Engraved Obsidian Ring When wearing this ring, you cannot use any healing evocation arts, however your Shade Spell Damage Bonus is doubled.


The Sect of the Everchanging Essence were a collection of Proto-Shade that specialized in using shade evocation to tap into the transformative nature of Korodor’s Slices. Inspired by casters, these Evokers where said to be able to convert matter from one thing to another and had great control over material.

Sect of Everchanging Essence Heirlooms
Gold Stamped Talisman When wearing this strange gold stamped talisman any substances generated by your evocation arts are doubled.
Red Stamped Talisman When wearing this strange red stamped talisman your Substance Arrays can support multiple different types of metals at once. Alloys can now also be converted with your Substance Arrays.


Sect of Screeching Ice Heirlooms
Black Pearl Pendant Wearing this Pendant increases your Soul Essence Capacity by 1.
Golden Bead Bracelet When casting a Shade Spell with this bracelet equipped roll 1d20. On a 20, the cost of the spell is reduced by 1 Soul Essence. The number of times this can be used per long rest is based on your Shade Spell Ability.


Sect of the Twisted Snake Heirlooms
Jade Beetle Brooch Other Heirlooms become lucky. (Dice rolling is treated as if they have advantage).
Jade Snake Ring When wearing this ring, you cannot deal any damage with your evocation arts, instead this damage is halved and given as health to the target.


Sect of Ceaseless Anguish Heirlooms


Sect of Elemental Potency Heirlooms
Pyromancer's Lantern Your offensive Evocation Arts deal an additional 2DX Fire damage where x is your Shade Spell Ability. If the Evocation hits a target, roll 1d6. On a 6, the target gain a stack of Ignite.
Embossed Coil Your offensive Evocation Arts deal an additional 2DX Lightning damage where x is your Shade Spell Ability. If the Evocation hits a target, roll 1d6. On a 6, the target gain the Shock Condition.
Etched Iron Pentacle Your offensive Evocation Arts deal an additional 2DX Cold damage where x is your Shade Spell Ability. If the Evocation hits a target, roll 1d6. On a 6, the target gain the Chill Condition.


The Sect of a Million Strings where a strange and often feared group of Proto-Shade who were fascinated by the Shade essences ability to animate the dead and the empty. These Evokers where said to be able to influence and control the weak and the recently deceased with shade essence.

Sect of a Million Strings Heirlooms

Shade Arrays

Arrays are complex patterns that form special instructions that use Shade Essence as a catalyst. This means that shade arrays do not consume shade essence when used but does require a Shade Evoker to have Shade Essence attuned to use it. Because of its energy efficient nature, Shade arrays are very useful in a verity of situations however are limited in scope by its lack of initial potency. Arrays are essential to Shade Evokers and should certainly not be overlooked. Its also worth noting that Shade arrays can be activated concurrently.

A normal Shade array will require a scribing material (see list below) to by used to draw the array, and commonly a material to utilise in some way.

[SM] Scribing Materials :

  • Blood
  • Oils
  • Chalk
  • Ink

This ultimately comes down to DM’s discretion, but these are the common options. Chalk being most used.

SE Arrays

Ally Array

Array Name Ally Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (10 units), Any substance, a piece of jewellery.
Activation Time 5 minutes
Trigger Time 1 minutes
Area Bounds 1ft x 1ft
Triggers on activation Yes

It quickly became apparent to the original Evocation sect that unless proper protection was setup, friendly fire could become a big problem. In order to resolve this, most Evocation arts (unless specified) are designed to work with ally arrays.

By placing a substance in the array along with an item of jewellery to bind the signature to. The substances signature is attached to the item, and when using evocation arts your spells will not damage others that also wear an item with the same signature.

Sadly, healing, and other positive effects are not covered within the Ally Array’s.

It is recommended to use exotic or closely linked substances (like the branch of one specific tree) in order to avoid generic (and thus easily crack-able) signatures.

Echo Array

Array Name Echo Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (5 units per 5ft).
Activation Time 1 minute
Trigger Time 0.5 millisecond
Area Bounds Lower: 1ft x 1ft Upper: 100ft x 100ft
Triggers on activation No

These Arrays are very handy for setting up array networks.

To use, simply create the echo array crossing through the border of another array or inner array component that can accept a signal input or emit a signal output. The echo array must contain a symbol of the users choice. The array can be drawn in two distinct states, one state lets it receive a signal, and the other state lets it transmit a signal.

If the array is in a transmit state and something it overlaps with is triggered, it also will be triggered. Once triggered it will send a signal to all other echo arrays with 1000ft of itself with the same symbol drawn in its centre instantly.

If the echo array is in a receiving state and an it receives a signal from an echo array with the same symbol it triggers itself. Once triggered it sends a shade signal to anything that overlap its borders.

Logic Array

Array Name Logic Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (75 units).
Activation Time 10 minutes
Trigger Time 1 millisecond
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A complicated yet compact array containing 3 smaller circles and two hexagons.

The first of the two hexagons show a number written in elder shade that will convert into the language of the viewer. This number starts as zero.

The second of the two hexagons shows a blank space where the user can write in a number.

If the first circle is provided with a shade signal than the number in the first hexagon increases by 1.

If the first circle receives a shade signal and the increase in the first hexagons value causes that value to be equal to the value in the second hexagon, the second circle emits a shade signal.

If the third circle is provided with a shade signal then the number in the first hexagon returns to 0.

Advanced Logic Array

Array Name Advanced Logic Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (125 units).
Activation Time 15 minutes
Trigger Time 1 millisecond
Area Bounds 10ft x 10ft
Triggers on activation No

A more elaborate version of the Logic Array. This array contains 9 smaller circles and one hexagon and one pentagon.

The hexagon shows a number written in elder shade that will convert into the language of the viewer. This number starts as zero.

The pentagon also shows a number written in elder shade that will convert into the language of the viewer. This number starts as zero.

If the first circle is provided with a shade signal than the number in the hexagon increases by 1.

If the first circle receives a shade signal and the change in the hexagons value causes that value to be equal to the value in the pentagon, the second circle emits a shade signal.

If the third circle is provided with a shade signal then the number in the hexagon returns to 0.

If the first circle receives a shade signal and the change in the hexagons value results in the value being lower than the value in the pentagon, the fourth circle fires a shade signal.

If the first circle receives a shade signal and the change in the hexagons value results in the value being higher than the value in the pentagon, the fifth circle fires a shade signal.

If the sixth circle receives a shade signal the value in the pentagon increases by 1.

If the seventh circle receives a shade signal the value in the pentagon decreases by 1.

If the eighth circle receives a shade signal the value in the hexagon decreases by 1.

If the ninth circle receives a shade signal the value in the hexagon increases by 0 (This still counts as changing the value of the hexagon).

Bump Array

Array Name Bump Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 2 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing five circles on the cardinal directions, and one in the centre and a hexagon in the centre.

Sending a shade signal to any of the four circles cardinal directions causes any object in the hexagon to be teleported 5ft in that direction.

If an object is teleported into the hexagon, the fifth circle emits a shade signal.

Timer Array

Array Name Timer Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 5 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing 5 circles, a hexagon and a pentagon.

The hexagon in the centre shows a blank space where the user can write in a number.

The pentagon shows a numeric value equal to zero.

If the first circle receives a shade signal the pentagons value will increase by 1 per millisecond, showing the elapsed time, until it matches the hexagons value (which is when the signal is fired).

If the third circle receives a shade signal, the pentagons value resets to zero and restarts the counting process.

If the fourth circle receives a shade signal, the pentagons value will be paused. The next time it receives a signal it will resume.

If the fifth circle receives a shade signal, the pentagons value is set to 0, and the timer process ends.

Repeater Array

Array Name Bump Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 2 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing five circles on the cardinal directions, and one in the centre and a hexagon in the centre.

Sending a shade signal to any of the four circles cardinal directions causes any object in the hexagon to be teleported 5ft in that direction.

If an object is teleported into the hexagon, the fifth circle emits a shade signal.

Gate Array

Array Name Bump Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 2 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing five circles on the cardinal directions, and one in the centre and a hexagon in the centre.

Sending a shade signal to any of the four circles cardinal directions causes any object in the hexagon to be teleported 5ft in that direction.

If an object is teleported into the hexagon, the fifth circle emits a shade signal.

Inner Proximity Emitter Array

Array Name Bump Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 2 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing five circles on the cardinal directions, and one in the centre and a hexagon in the centre.

Sending a shade signal to any of the four circles cardinal directions causes any object in the hexagon to be teleported 5ft in that direction.

If an object is teleported into the hexagon, the fifth circle emits a shade signal.

Extended Bump Array

Array Name Bump Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 2 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing five circles on the cardinal directions, and one in the centre and a hexagon in the centre.

Sending a shade signal to any of the four circles cardinal directions causes any object in the hexagon to be teleported 5ft in that direction.

If an object is teleported into the hexagon, the fifth circle emits a shade signal.

Infernal Array

Array Name Bump Array
Sect of Origin SE
Material Cost SM (50 units).
Activation Time 2 minutes.
Trigger Time 1 millisecond.
Area Bounds 5ft x 5ft
Triggers on activation No

A circle containing five circles on the cardinal directions, and one in the centre and a hexagon in the centre.

Sending a shade signal to any of the four circles cardinal directions causes any object in the hexagon to be teleported 5ft in that direction.

If an object is teleported into the hexagon, the fifth circle emits a shade signal.

SEE Arrays

Substance Array

Array Name Substance Array
Sect of Origin SEE
Material Cost SM (5 units per 5ft), An ingot of metal (per 5ft), a small amount of the substance return type of the metal.
Activation Time 10 Min
Area Bounds Lower: 5ft x 5ft Upper: 25ft x 25ft

Converts metal of one type into 40 units of the return type found in the circle.

Can convert 25 ingots of one metal at a time.

Sadly only supports pure metals.

Shade Spells

Spells powered by evoked shade essence. By using the technique tombs written by the Evoker sects a Shade Evoker is able to cast a variety of different spells by allowing the essence to manifest in different ways.

When a spell deals shade damage to an entity a spell damage bonus modifier is added to the overall spell damage dealt to the entity. The DC to resist/block the spells are calculated below along with the damage bonus.

To hit a target, roll 1d20+your shade spell ability.

  1. Shade Spell Ability: Wisdom + Prof
  2. Shade Spell DC: 8 + Shade Spell Ability
  3. Shade Spell Damage Bonus: Shade Spell Ability + Arcane

SE Shade Spells

Shade Shot

Spell Name Shade Shot [x3]
Sect of Origin SE
Cost 1 SE
Cast Time 1 bonus action (per charge)
Range/Area 200ft

Three swirling balls of shade revolve around you, pointing at a target within range causes a bolt of shade energy to jolt out of one of three available sphere attacking the target. If the bolt hits, the target takes 8d6+5 shade damage and is Weakened for 1d4 turns. Entities within 10ft of the target take 1d10 bludgeoning damage if the original target is hit.

Sphere duration lasts 4 turns.

Ground Displacement

Spell Name Ground Displacement
Sect of Origin SE
Cost 1 SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 100ft

You fire a beam of concentrated shade under a targeted position on the ground. All tiles within 10ft of the target location become difficult terrain for 2d4 turns and any entities (including those with Ally Arrays) must make a dexterity saving throw against your Spell hit DC as a large, twisting column of shade tendrils puncture upwards through the floor.

On a failure the entities effected are knocked prone and take 5d20 bludgeoning damage. Otherwise the target takes half the damage. Flying opponents in range get advantage on their saving throws.
If the target fails, the saving throw and is in the center of the target area they take an additional 2d20 shade damage.


Spell Name Doom [x8]
Sect of Origin SE
Cost 2 SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 200ft

Target up to eight targets within 200ft of you. A long blade of shade forms above them and follows the targets. If that target takes damage during dooms duration, the blade slams down into them dealing an extra 4d20 shade damage (This does not end the doom effect).

Dooms blade duration lasts 3 turns.

Curse of Slowing Minds

Spell Name Curse of Slowing Minds
Sect of Origin SE
Cost X SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 150ft

Curse a target with Sloth x amount of times equal to the number of SE spent.

Curse of Frail Bones

Spell Name Curse of Frail Bones
Sect of Origin SE
Cost X SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 150ft

Curse a target with Frail x amount of times equal to the number of SE spent.

Curse of Blackened Thought

Spell Name Curse of Blackened Thought
Sect of Origin SE
Cost X SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 150ft

Curse a target with Despair x amount of times equal to the number of SE spent.

Curse of Broken Hands

Spell Name Curse of Broken Hands
Sect of Origin SE
Cost X SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 150ft

Curse a target with Fumble x amount of times equal to the number of SE spent.

Curse of Restricting Pathways

Spell Name Curse of Restricting Pathways
Sect of Origin SE
Cost X SE
Cast Time 1 action
Range/Area 150ft

Curse a target with Hex x amount of times equal to the number of SE spent.

Shade Symphonies