

Manifestor Art

Art Details

Potency Secondary
Combination Selinle



One of the newer arts, crowns are said to have been created towards the end or after the war with the old gods by a group of unknown savants. They were used to overthrow the casters, who previously ruled the remaining cities during the time before people could mine within the split. It is unknown as to whether this act was malicious or well deserved, but many casters were driven to madness or their deaths by the use of crowns and in modern times it is one of the few ways to trigger a caster to snap.

Using Crowns

Surprisingly enough, crowing is considered one of the most accessible arts that exist on modern Korodel. Anyone is able to use a crown, assuming they aren't a caster. Those with an internal vis capacity tend to get along with it far better than those without, this is due to storage reasons as users of crows who don't have an internal vis capacity still get headaches if they consume over the required amount of vis.

To use a crown you simply pace it upon your head, it sinks very slightly into the skull and can be somewhat painful upon first wear. Crowns are able to be toggled on and off, meaning they don't consume vis perpetually, only when told to.

Crown List

Alloy Separate metals Alloy Ratio Crown Name Description
Invar Iron and Nickel 7:3 Halter Negates the use of mover within a radius.
Brass Copper and Zinc 7:3 Jammer Sticks things to other things.
Pewter Tin and Copper 8:2 Impulsar Directs gravity of inanimate objects.
Spelter Zinc and Copper 6:4 Skimmer Manipulate the weight of people and objects.
Sterling Silver and Copper 6:4 Aura Creates a healing aura within a small radius.
Duralumin Aluminium and Copper Unknown Thermocepter Sense the heat of objects within an area
Kovar Nickel and Cobalt Unknown Leaker Detects recent usage of vis.
Ruborium Rubidium and Gold Unknown Leacher Description
Belmite Cadmium and Bismuth Unknown Trancer Unknown
Terne Lead and Tin Unknown Degrader Description
Electum Silver and Gold Unknown Outliner Echolocation in an area.
Cerrobend Bismuth and Lead Unknown Shaper Change your personal features/ appearance.
Vitalium Cobalt and Chromium 6:4 Encaser Drop the time steam by 1 in an area around you.
Platridium Platinum and Titanium Unknown Bubbler Repels metal from passing through an area.
Korodin Titanium and Cobalt Unknown Onlooker Create Shadows of the future in an area.
Stellite Tungsten and Cobalt Unknown Emperor Crits against allies are negated within range.
Zircaloy Zirconium and Tin Unknown Embroiler Description
Inconel Chromium and Nickel 6:4 Photomancer Gain the ability to manipulate light in an area.