

Manifestor Art

Art Details

Potency Standard
Combination Optonin & Harandesh


One of the oldest arts utilized by the Ancient ones during the old times, it's use is not so widely known in the modern day but it's lines are still going strong.

One of the first arts to assist the Ancient ones in the war, bonding stems back to the early times, just as some of the old gods were calling an end to the war they had started. Created from a combination between the two gods who first decided to pull out of the war, it is generally considered one of the more virtuous art's of the time.

Making A Bond

To make a bond is to promise something directly to manifestor of honour and wisdom them self, it is no small thing to bind yourself to, and should not be done with doubt in ones heart.

Bonding requires an esoteric of whichever families path you are attempting to follow. Upon obtaining one you are able to make a bond, you kneel before your esoteric and speak a set of words that correspond with bond path you are trying to follow. The vow you make here, if successful, becomes your bond. It is indented by a divine force into the ground around you and burned onto your left arm. If you were unable to link before, making a bond grants you with a left handed metal and a Internal Vis Capacity.

Bonds can be strengthened over time, adding more and more layers to your promise, simultaneously making it harder to keep. Bonds are able to be broken, and to do so is blasphemy. By breaking a bond you are disgracing your honor, and assuming you survive the initial backlash it will leave you weakened and unable to link.

Opinion, however isn't heartless. Upon breaking a bond due to circumstances out of your control or knowledge he will allow you to take a revenge/redemption bond, claiming your honour back from those who stole it from you and upon completion, regaining your old bond. This is a change only granted once.

The Honour Families

In current times the art of bonding is carried within the blood of 5 families; The Honour Blades, Spears, Shields, Bows and the Spirit Knights. Each family has a series of different bonds within their weapon of choice though due to the rarity of bonding in the current time very few are known.

Currently, the only known families within the campaign are the Reyners of Whitewood, and the Alguards of Kelus.

The Bonds

The Honour Blades

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Bond Phrase
Of The Protector Of The Guardian - Create this vow by promising to protect someone close to you.
Of The Shadow Of the Veil - Create this vow by promising to remove another’s rivals.
Of The Tempest Of the Storm - Create this vow by promising to take revenge on those who have harmed others.
Of The Grave Of The Shrine - Create this vow by promising to offer your life so that another can live.

The Honour Spears

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Bond Phrase
Of The Stream Of the Torrent Of The Leviathan -
Of The Sentinel Of the Sentry Of The Vedette Create this vow by promising to guard or watch over a place.
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The Honour Bows

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Bond Phrase
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The Honour Shields

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Bond Phrase
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