Lvl 1 (5pts): Disarming Shot; When a target is hit with a firearm, you can expend [2] Grit points to knock an object from their hands. The target must make a strength saving throw with DC [8+wis mod]. On a fail, the object is dropped and pushed 10ft away. The target takes normal damage. (During attack) {DDS}
Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
Lvl 5 (5pts): {DDS} DC is now [9+wis mod].
Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
Lvl 7 (5pts): {DDS} now costs [1] Grit point.
Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60)
Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250)
Lvl 10 (5pts): {DDS} DC is now [10+wis mod].