

Type Universe
Depth 4
Focus The Bonds

Rathadel is a standard Universe with 2 native Manifestors.

For the current known history of Rathadel see: Rathadel History

For C-Side content see: Rathadel C-Side Content

Known Locations:

World Plain Type Plain Resistance Plain Instability
Boralidin Material Plain 40 (High) 5 (Low)
Glimmeral Material Plain 40 (High) 5 (Low)
Penthos ??? ??? ???
The Dreamscape Demi Plain (Dream Plain) 1 (Very Low) 40 (Very High)
Redgrave's Testing Realm (Whitesoul) Demi Plain 1.2 (Low) 25 (High)
Redgrave's Testing Realm (Land of Ilm) Demi Plain 5 (Low) 30 (High)

The Four Paths

The four paths is a concept that defines four distinct routes that a person could take to reach an immortal or godlike status.


Each pathway has distinct boundaries that mark key milestones of progress, often revealing new paradigms that will strongly shape your understanding of the universe. These partitions along the pathways are known as Realms.

A general rule of thumb goes as follows: A person following a specific pathway will be able to defeat large numbers of people who are below them realm-wise, as long as they also follow the same pathway.

Realm numbers do not necessarily align between paths.

The distance between realms gets larger and larger the further you go. Because of this, realms tend to be broken down into subrealms, this gives clearer insight into the strength and progress a person has.

Reaching the end of a realm is often considered a barrier. In order to move past it, you most gain understanding or control of the features of the next realm, bringing you into it as the result. These are called breakthroughs.

Subrealms can also require mini breakthroughs, however some are passive to transition past.

The knowledge required to breakthrough both realms and subrealms can and often are subjected to Karma locks.


A list of all the campaigns set in Rathadel.

Name Identifier Number of Sessions Starting Location Number of Players Status
Rathadel: Beginnings A Side 7 Talaros 4 Frozen
Rathadel: Gilded B Side 51 Talaros 3 Active
Rathadel: Immortal C Side 0 Yukon N/A Not Started


Master lists for ease of access!

Legacy Content

Outdated or redundant content. Most likely stuff from before the comprehension system was introduced.
