~~NOTOC~~ ====== Stance of the Silver Spider ====== === Reaver Technique Cluster === ^ Collection: | [[rathadel:lists:techniques#Martial Technique Collection|Martial Technique Collection]] | ^ Grade: | Red 2 | ^ Number of Stages: | 7 | ^ Requirements: | Thread | ^ Found in: | Silk Faction Library | ^ Completion Status: | Small Success. | ===== Small Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Silk Strike; HIT:[1d20+wis mod]; DMG (Slashing): [3d6+thread dmg+wis mod]; Requires 1 thread charge to commit for this attack. For every extra thread charge commited to this attack, gain [1d4] damage. (1 action | chainable) {S} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 5 (8pts): {S}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod+1]. * Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 7 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 9 (8pts): {S}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod+2]. * Lvl 10 (8pts): {S} now gains [1d4+1] damage per extra thread charge commited. ==== Stage 2 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Thread Recall; You recall your thread, regaining up to [3] thread charges. Anything requiring the recalled thread ends its effects. (1 action | chainable) {TR} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 4 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 5 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 6 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 7 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 8 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 9 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 10 (8pts): {TR} can now recall up to [4] thread charges. ==== Stage 3 ==== * Lvl 1 (8pts): Soaring Silk; Roll a wisdom check against an attacker’s hit roll targeted at you. On a success, if your thread has 1 thread charge free, and there is a wall/large object in an uninterrupted cardinal direction within your threads range, you may commit 1 thread charge to move out of the way of the attack, reducing its damage by [3d6] damage using your thread to move adjacent to the wall/large object. (1 reaction | chainable) {SS} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 4 (8pts): {SS} now reduces damage by [3d6+1]. * Lvl 5 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 6 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 7 (8pts): {SS} now reduces damage by [3d6+2]. * Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 10 (8pts): {SS} now reduces damage by [3d6+3]. ==== Stage 4 ==== * Lvl 1 (8pts): Web Construction; Roll a wisdom saving throw against the Web Construction DC, on a success gain [+1] thread charges until the end of the chain. On a failure, the chain ends. The Web Construction DC starts at 10 and increases by [+10] per use of Web Construction this chain. (1 action | chainable) {WC} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 4 (8pts): {WC}'s Web Construction DC now increases by [+9]. * Lvl 5 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 7 (8pts): {WC}'s Web Construction DC now increases by [+8]. * Lvl 8 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 9 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 10 (8pts): {WC}'s Web Construction DC now increases by [+7]. ==== Stage 5 ==== * Lvl 1 (8pts): Silk Snare; HIT:[1d20+wis mod]; DMG (Slashing): [thread dmg+wis mod]; Pick a number of tiles within [5ft] of you and commit that number of thread charges to create hidden silk snares on the selected tiles (You cannot create more than [8] silk snares per turn). Roll a sleight of hand check to determine the spot DC of the created silk snares. Your silk snare range is [(Thread range\*2)ft]. While you are within silk snare range, if a hostile moves into a silk snare, they automatically roll a dexterity saving throw against your perception check. On a success, you roll to hit the target with advantage. On a hit you deal {SSS}'s damage to the target, and are guaranteed to inflict the threads implict. On a failure, the thread snare misses the target. After the silk snare is activated, or if you leave the silk snare range, the commited thread charges are returned to you, and if you are above your natural thread limit, can be used until the chain ends. (1 action | chainable) {SSS} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 4 (8pts): {SSS}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod+1]. * Lvl 5 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 6 (8pts): +1 to Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 7 (8pts): {SSS}'s Perception Check now gains a [+1] bonus. * Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 10 (8pts): {SSS}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod+2]. ==== Stage 6 ==== * Lvl 1 (8pts): Entangled Fate; HIT:[1d20+wis mod-5]; DMG (Slashing): [2d6+thread dmg+wis mod]; Requires at least 1 uncommited thread charge to use. You attempt to constrain a single target within your threads range while attacking them, committing 1 thread charge. They take {EF}'s damage and gain the Thread Locked condition if hit. If with a thread lock DC equal to [wis mod + sleight of hand check] + [1d4] per extra thread charge you chose to commit. (1 action | chainable) {EF} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +1 to Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 4 (8pts): {EF}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod-4]. * Lvl 5 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 7 (8pts): {EF}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod-3]. * Lvl 8 (8pts): +1 to Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 9 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 10 (8pts): {EF}'s HIT is now [1d20+wis mod-2]. ==== Stage 7 ==== * Lvl 1 (8pts): Call of the Spider; If you are the only entity thread locking an opponent, make a Sleight of Hand check against your opponents Strength saving throw. On a success you are able to move your opponent up to 10ft towards you. On a failure the opponent can choose to try break out of the Thread Lock. If you beat the targets strength save by atleast [10], they fall prone. (1 action | chainable) {CotS} * Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 400) * Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 40) * Lvl 4 (8pts): {CotS}'s Sleight of Hand Check now gains a [+1] bonus. * Lvl 5 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 400) * Lvl 6 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 40) * Lvl 7 (8pts): {CotS}'s Sleight of Hand Check now gains a [+2] bonus. * Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 400) * Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 to Wisdom Score. (Up to 40) * Lvl 10 (8pts): {CotS}'s Sleight of Hand Check now gains a [+3] bonus.