~~NOTOC~~ ====== Metalic Archer ====== === Doryana Technique Cluster === ^ Collection: | [[rathadel:lists:techniques#Martial Technique Collection|Martial Technique Collection]] | ^ Grade: | Red 1 | ^ Number of Stages: | 6 | ^ Requirements: | [[rathadel:weapon_groups:ranged|Ranged Weapon]] | ^ Found in: | The Book Store (Gold Forms) | ^ Completion Status: | Small Success complete, LS stage 3, SP stage 2, GP stage 1 complete. | ===== Small Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (10pts): Silver Strike; HIT: [1d20+dex mod-3]; DMG (piercing): [2d6+bow dmg+str mod]; When not targetting a specific location, after the HIT roll, the user can choose to roll a random targetting dice. This die is a d20, on a 20, hit the head, on a 19, hit the heart, on a 18 hit the right arm, on a 17, the left arm, on a 16 the right leg, on a 15 on the left leg. (1 action | Chainable) {SS} * Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150) * Lvl 3 (10pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod -2]. * Lvl 4 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 5 (10pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod -1]. * Lvl 6 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150) * Lvl 7 (10pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 8 (10pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod]. * Lvl 9 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150) * Lvl 10 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20) ==== Stage 2 ==== * Lvl 1 (10pts): Gold Standard; The user can chain from the previous attack. If an AOE was used, the user can only chain as long as the attack hit at least [3] targets. Chain length is limited to [1]. {GS} * Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150) * Lvl 3 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 4 (10pts): {GS} chain length is now [2]. * Lvl 5 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150) * Lvl 6 (10pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 7 (10pts): {GS} chain length is now [3]. * Lvl 8 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 150) * Lvl 9 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 10 (10pts): {GS} now allows users to chain from AOE attacks as long as they have HIT a minimum of [2] targets. ==== Stage 3 ==== * Lvl 1 (12pts): Iron Sense; Can reduce any DMG that can be seen by [2d3]. (1 reaction) {IS} * Lvl 2 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 3 (12pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [2d3+1]. * Lvl 4 (12pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 5 (12pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [2d3+2]. * Lvl 6 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 7 (12pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [2d3+3]. * Lvl 8 (12pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 9 (12pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [2d3+con mod]. * Lvl 10 (12pts): If {IS} is used against a ranged attack, increase the DMG reduction by [str mod]. ==== Stage 4 ==== * Lvl 1 (12pts): Meteorite Fall; Target a [5ft] square. Every target within the range either throw a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw against [1d20+dex mod]. On a fail, the target recieves [2d4+bow dmg+str mod] piercing DMG. (1 action | Chainable) {MF} * Lvl 2 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 3 (12pts): {MF} saving throw is now against [1d20+dex mod+1]. * Lvl 4 (12pts): +1 Strenth Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 5 (12pts): {MF} now targets a [10ft] square. * Lvl 6 (12pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 7 (12pts): {MF} now targets a [15ft] square. * Lvl 8 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 9 (12pts): +1 Strenth Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 10 (12pts): The user can now choose the size of the {MF} target square up to the upper limit. ==== Stage 5 ==== * Lvl 1 (15pts): Zinc Touch; The user can prepare their next attack, doing so allows the user to target any location without the disadvantage. However, they gain a [-3] penalty to HIT instead. (1 bonus action) {ZT} * Lvl 2 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 3 (15pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 4 (15pts): {ZT} penalty for targeting a targets legs is now [-2]. * Lvl 5 (15pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 6 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (15pts): {ZT} penalty for targeting a targets arms is now [-2]. * Lvl 8 (15pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 9 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 10 (15pts): {ZT} penalty for targeting a targets legs or arms is now [-1]. ==== Stage 6 ==== * Lvl 1 (15pts): Bismuth Vision; The user can sense when a hostile target enters a [5ft] ring around them. When a target is sensed, the user may perform an attack of opportunity against them. (1 reaction | Chainable) {BV} * Lvl 2 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 3 (15pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 4 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 5 (15pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 6 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (15pts): Attacks made from {BV} do not have any disadvantage from the close range penalty of the bow used (this does not affect the rest of the chain if {BV} is used to chain.). * Lvl 8 (15pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 9 (15pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 10 (15pts): {BV} sense range is now [10ft]. ===== Large Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (18pts): {SS} DMG is now [2d6+bow dmg+str mod+1]. * Lvl 2 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 3 (18pts): {SS} HIT is now [1d20+dex mod+1]. * Lvl 4 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 5 (18pts): {SS} DMG is now [2d6+bow dmg+str mod+2]. * Lvl 6 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (18pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 8 (18pts): {SS} DMG is now [2d6+bow dmg+str mod+3]. * Lvl 9 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 10 (18pts): While using {SS} and not targetting a specific location, if the user rolls a 1 for there random targetting dice, they can choose where they hit. ==== Stage 2 ==== * Lvl 1 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 2 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 3 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 4 (18pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 5 (18pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 6 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (18pts): {GS} chain length is now [4]. * Lvl 8 (18pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 9 (18pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 10 (18pts): The user's first [1] attack in a combat does not get disadvantage for targetting. {GS} ==== Stage 3 ==== * Lvl 1 (20pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [2d3+con mod+1]. * Lvl 2 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 3 (20pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 4 (20pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [3d3+con mod]. * Lvl 5 (20pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 6 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (20pts): {IS} DMG reduction is now [3d3+con mod+1]. * Lvl 8 (20pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 9 (20pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 10 (20pts): If {IS} is used against a ranged attack, increase the DMG reduction by [2\*str mod]. ===== Small Perfection ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (30pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 15) * Lvl 2 (30pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 3 (30pts): +1 Bow HIT. (Up to 5) * Lvl 4 (30pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 5 (30pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 15) * Lvl 6 (30pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 7 (30pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 8 (30pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 15) * Lvl 9 (30pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 10 (30pts): +1 Bow HIT. (Up to 5) ==== Stage 2 ==== * Lvl 1 (30pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 15) * Lvl 2 (30pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 3 (30pts): +1 Bow HIT. (Up to 5) * Lvl 4 (30pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 5 (30pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 6 (30pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 7 (30pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 8 (30pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 15) * Lvl 9 (30pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 10 (30pts): {GS} chain length is now [5]. ===== Great Perfection ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (45pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 25) * Lvl 2 (45pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 450) * Lvl 3 (45pts): +1 Bow HIT. (Up to 10) * Lvl 4 (45pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 45) * Lvl 5 (45pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 25) * Lvl 6 (45pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 450) * Lvl 7 (45pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 45) * Lvl 8 (45pts): +1 Bow DMG. (Up to 25) * Lvl 9 (45pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 45) * Lvl 10 (45pts): +1 Bow HIT. (Up to 10)