~~NOTOC~~ ====== Halting Dance ====== === Reaver Technique Cluster === ^ Collection: | [[rathadel:lists:techniques#Martial Technique Collection|Martial Technique Collection]] | ^ Grade: | Red 1 | ^ Number of Stages: | 3 | ^ Requirements: | [[rathadel:weapon_groups:bladed|]] | ^ Found in: | Assassin's Guild Library | ^ Completion Status: | Large Success complete. | ===== Small Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== *Lvl 1 (5pts): Redirect Missile; Allows you to catch and throw back any projectile that isn’t fired by a firearm and is small enough to be caught in one hand and throw it back at the enemy for [their hit roll-2]. (1 reaction | Chainable) {RM} *Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 5 (8pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 7 (8pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 10 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) ==== Stage 2 ==== *Lvl 1 (8pts): Grounding Swipe; If a hostile moves past you within 5 feet roll an athletics check against the hostile. If you succeed, then you knock it prone. (1 reaction | Chainable) {GS} *Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 3 (8pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60) *Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 5 (8pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 7 (8pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60) *Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 9 (8pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 10 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) ==== Stage 3 ==== *Lvl 1 (8pts): Reaver’s Spite; If you are engaged with a Reaver and they have not changed stance for longer than 3 chains against you then you can interrupt and break their next chain. (1 reaction | Chainable) {RS} *Lvl 2 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 3 (8pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 4 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 5 (8pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60) *Lvl 6 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 7 (8pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 25) *Lvl 8 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) *Lvl 9 (8pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60) *Lvl 10 (8pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) ===== Large Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== *Lvl 1 (10pts): {RM} returning hit roll is now [their hit roll-1]. *Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 3 (10pts): {RM} returning hit roll is now [their hit roll]. *Lvl 4 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 5 (10pts): +1 Constitution Score. (Up to 30) *Lvl 6 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 7 (10pts): +1 Dexterity Score. (Up to 30) *Lvl 8 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 9 (10pts): {RM} returning hit roll is now [their hit roll+1]. *Lvl 10 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) ==== Stage 2 ==== *Lvl 1 (10pts): {GS} now deals [1d4] bludgeoning damage. *Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 3 (10pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100) *Lvl 4 (10pts): {GS} range is now 10ft. *Lvl 5 (10pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 30) *Lvl 6 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 7 (10pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100) *Lvl 8 (10pts): {GS} now deals [1d4+2] bludgeoning damage. *Lvl 9 (10pts): +1 Strength Score. (Up to 30) *Lvl 10 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) ==== Stage 3 ==== *Lvl 1 (10pts): {RS} now has a [+1] to the HIT roll. *Lvl 2 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 3 (10pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) *Lvl 4 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 5 (10pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 100) *Lvl 6 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 7 (10pts): +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 30) *Lvl 8 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) *Lvl 9 (10pts): +3 Max HP. (Up to 60) *Lvl 10 (10pts): +1 Reaction. (Up to 5)