~~NOTOC~~ ====== Gunslinger's Trick Shots ====== === Gunslinger Technique Cluster === ^ Collection: | [[rathadel:lists:techniques#Gunslinger Technique Cluster|Gunslinger Technique Cluster]] | ^ Grade: | Red 1 | ^ Number of Stages: | 6 | ^ Requirements: | [[rathadel:weapon_groups:firearm|Firearm]] | ^ Found in: | Assassin's Guild Library, Marksman's Guild | ^ Completion Status: | Small and Large Success complete. | ===== Small Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Maximum Grit points are now [1]. * Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 5 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 7 (5pts): Maximum Grit points are now [2]. * Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 10 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 20) ==== Stage 2 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Bullying Shot; Expend [2] Grit points and make an intimidation check against the target’s wisdom check. On a success, gain advantage on the attack. (During attack) {BS} * Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 5 (5pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 7 (5pts): {BS} now costs [1] Grit point. * Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 10 (5pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 20) ==== Stage 3 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Dazing Shot; When a target is hit with a firearm, you can expend [2] Grit points to dizzy the target. The target must make a Constitution saving throw with DC [8+wis mod]. On a fail, the target has disadvantage on attacks until the end of their next turn. The target takes normal damage. (During attack) {DS} * Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 5 (5pts): {DS} DC is now [9+wis mod]. * Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (5pts): {DS} now costs [1] Grit point. * Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 10 (5pts): {DS} DC is now [10+wis mod]. ==== Stage 4 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Disarming Shot; When a target is hit with a firearm, you can expend [2] Grit points to knock an object from their hands. The target must make a strength saving throw with DC [8+wis mod]. On a fail, the object is dropped and pushed 10ft away. The target takes normal damage. (During attack) {DDS} * Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 5 (5pts): {DDS} DC is now [9+wis mod]. * Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 7 (5pts): {DDS} now costs [1] Grit point. * Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 60) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 250) * Lvl 10 (5pts): {DDS} DC is now [10+wis mod]. ==== Stage 5 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Forceful Shot; When attacking with a firearm, you can expend [2] Grit points to force back a target. The target must make a Strength saving throw with DC [8+wis mod]. On a fail, the target is moved back 15ft. The target takes normal damage. (During attack) {FS} * Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 80) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 5 (5pts): {FS} DC is now [9+wis mod]. * Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 7 (5pts): {FS} now costs [1] Grit point. * Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 80) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 10 (5pts): {FS} DC is now [10+wis mod]. ==== Stage 6 ==== * Lvl 1 (5pts): Winging Shot; When a target is hit with a firearm, you can expend [2] Grit points to topple the target. The target must make a strength saving throw with DC [8+wis mod]. On a fail, the target is knock prone. The target takes normal damage. (During attack) {WS} * Lvl 2 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 80) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 5 (5pts): {WS} DC is now [9+wis mod]. * Lvl 6 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 7 (5pts): {WS} now costs [1] Grit point. * Lvl 8 (5pts): +2 Max HP. (Up to 80) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 10 (5pts): {WS} DC is now [10+wis mod].