~~NOTOC~~ ====== Falconry Swarm Maneuvers ====== === Beast Taming Technique Cluster === ^ Collection: | Falconry Collection | ^ Grade: | Red 1 | ^ Number of Stages: | 1* | ^ Requirements: | A group of uncorrupted and willing (wild or hand-raised) hawn, falcon or eagle below 1 year of age. | ^ Found in: | Lord Faltin's Collection | ^ Completion Status: | Small Perfection | ===== Small Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (2pts): Swarm maneuverer’s; You make a falconry check attempting to teach your bird one swarm maneuverer from the list below. The result of this check is added to a running total that once complete, allows you to perform the command. If the maneuverer or internal technique is described with the comprehension system then a total of 30 (+10 for every additional bird in the swarm) is a point towards the technique, this point is given to each participating bird. {SM} * Lvl 2 (5pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 3 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 4 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 5 (5pts): {E/DS} Swarm health is now * 3 * Lvl 6 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 7 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 8 (5pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 25) * Lvl 9 (5pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 300) * Lvl 10 (5pts): {E/DS} Now takes a Reaction to perform. ===== Large Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (10pts): {SM} point threshold now grants 2 points for each participating bird. * Lvl 2 (10pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 3 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 4 (10pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 5 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 6 (10pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 7 (10pts): {SM} point threshold now grants 3 points for each participating bird. * Lvl 8 (10pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 350) * Lvl 9 (10pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 30) * Lvl 10 (10pts): {E/DS} Swarm health is now * 3.5 ===== Small Perfection ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (12pts): {SM} point threshold now grants 5 points for each participating bird. * Lvl 2 (12pts): +1 Dexterity score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 3 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 400) * Lvl 4 (12pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 5 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 400) * Lvl 6 (12pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 7 (12pts): {SM} point threshold now grants 6 points for each participating bird. * Lvl 8 (12pts): +5 Comprehension. (Up to 400) * Lvl 9 (12pts): +1 Wisdom score. (Up to 35) * Lvl 10 (12pts): {E/DS} Swarm health is now * 4 === Maneuver List === ^ Tier ^ Level ^ Name ^ Cost ^ Details ^ | Tier 1 | Small Success | Enter/Disband Swarm {E/DS} | Cost: 10 Falconry Check Total.| You decide on a visual and/or auditory signal. Make a DC 10 Falconry Check, on a success, presuming you birds are within range to perceive it they will enter or disband from the swarm on their next available turn. A swarm must consist of at least 4 birds or more. Whilst in a swarm, birds cannot use any maneuverer outside of a falconry swarm technique. A swarm can only be entered once per long rest. The swarms stats are calculated as followed: The bird with the lowest AC is taken as the swarms AC. The added total of all birds health * 2 is the total of the swarms health. The bird with the slowest movement speed is taken as the swarms speed. The hit of the swarm is now the average of the birds hit rolls and has a range of 5ft. The damage of the swarms talon attack is now ([SwarmSize]D8+[SwarmsCollectiveDEX]+talonDMGbonuses). The swarm is resistant to; Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage. The swarm cannot be collectively; charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, prone, restrained, or stunned conventionally. The swarm retains any skills that are universal across every bird in the swarm. (e.g. keen sight, dark vision, etc.). Upon disbanding a swarm, all birds will return to their previous positions in the initiative order, presuming they had one prior, otherwise will roll a new initiative. (1 Bonus Action) {E/DS} | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Collective Dive {CD} | Cost: 40 Falconry Check Total. | You direct your birds to make a Collective Dive. Make a DC 13 Falconry Check, on a success, your swarm will attempt to move a minimum of 30ft downwards towards their target on their next available turn and make a Talons attack roll. Failing to move the 30ft distance puts the attack roll at disadvantage. On a successful hit, gain a (+1d10) bonus to damage per bird in the swarm and for the remaining turn the swarm can move away from the target without provoking an attack of opportunity. (1 Bonus Action) {CD} | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Shriek {S} | Cost: 30 Falconry Check Total. | You direct your birds to let out an air-shattering shriek. Make a DC 12 Falconry check, on a success each creature within a 60ft radius that can hear the shriek must make a DC 15 wisdom save. If a creature fails their save they are Frightened for the next minute. A Frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the start of its next turn. On a successful wisdom save, the creature cannot be effected by this maneuverer for the next 24 hours. (1 Bonus Action) {S} | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Obscure Target {OT} | Cost: 40 Falconry Check Total. | You direct your birds towards a single creature within the swarms range. Make a DC 12 Falconry check, on a success the swarm will bundle into a tight flock of blurring feathers around the chosen creature until the start of the falconers next turn. For the duration, the swarm’s movement is 0 but counts as ½ cover for the chosen target. | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Ravage {R} | Cost: 50 Falconry Check Total. | You direct your birds towards a single creature within the swarms range. Make a DC 13 Falconry check, on a success your birds move into that creatures square and begin to swarm the target; pecking, clawing and shrieking in a disruptive way. The target must makes a DC 15 wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the start of their next turn. This manoeuvre cannot be used on the same creature more than once per combat. |