~~NOTOC~~ ====== Basic Falconry Maneuvers ====== === Beast Taming Technique Cluster === ^ Collection: | Falconry Collection | ^ Grade: | Red 1 | ^ Number of Stages: | 3* | ^ Requirements: | A willing (wild or hand-raised) hawn, falcon or eagle below 1 year of age. | ^ Found in: | Lord Faltin's Collection | ^ Completion Status: | Small Success | ===== Small Success ===== ==== Stage 1 ==== * Lvl 1 (2pts) Falconers Hand; Use a falconry training roll (For example, Falconers Repertoire's Falconry Check) to try and teach a bird either a maneuver or an internal technique. The result of this check is accumlated into a running total that can be spent to unlock a maneuver from the list below. Alternitivly 20 of the accumlated points can be turned into [1] falconry point that can be put into a birds internal technique. * Lvl 2 (5pts)+1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 3 (5pts) +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 4 (5pts) training check result bonus is now [+1]. * Lvl 5 (5pts) +1 Charisma Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 6 (5pts) +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 7 (5pts) training check result bonus is now [+2]. * Lvl 8 (5pts) +1 Wisdom Score. (Up to 20) * Lvl 9 (5pts) +5 Comprehension. (Up to 200) * Lvl 10 (5pts) converts 20 accumlated points into [2] falconry points. === Maneuver List === ^ Tier ^ Level ^ Name ^ Cost ^ Details ^ | Tier 1 | Small Success | Recall Signal {RS} | Cost: 10 Accumlated points.| You decide on a visual and/or auditory signal, this signal has no time cost to perform. Make a DC 10 training roll, on a success, presuming you bird is within range to perceive it they will return to you on their next available turn. | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Complex Command {CC} | Cost: 10 Accumlated points. | You attempt to perform a complex command, this command is not a part of a known maneuver and your bird may struggle to understand it. It can range from dropping an item in a specific location to distracting an enemy however the training roll DC is determined by the DM. (1 Bonus Action) | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Free Flight {FF} | Cost: 30 Accumlated points. | Once per day you can send your bird on a free flight, during this free flight your bird will explore the local environment with no specific goal. Results of this free flight are determined by the DM and can yield all manner of trinkets and oddities. A free flight can last up to [1d4] hours. | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Directed Assault {DA} | Cost: 40 Accumlated points. | Once per turn you can direct your bird to attack a target within range, make a DC 11 training roll, on a success the bird makes the attack independently of you on its next available turn. On a successful hit, add your (training roll)/10 as a bonus to the bird’s damage. If the target becomes unavailable before its next turn, the bird will await a new command. (1 Bonus Action) | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Arial Tail {AT} | Cost: 40 Accumlated points. | You make a DC 11 training roll, on a success you can direct your bird to follow a single target that you can see for 10 minutes. For the duration, the bird will fly overhead of the target. You and allied creatures gain advantage on perception and survival rolls made to track them. Tailed targets gain disadvantage on stealth checks for the duration. In the event the bird loses the target, it will return to you. (1 Action) | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Hunting Swoop {HW} | Cost: 50 Accumlated points. | You make a DC 11 training roll, on a success you direct your bird towards an object that you can see, the bird will attempt to retrieve the object and return it to you on its next available turn. The object can weigh no more than 5 pounds and must be smaller than your bird. If the object being held is a creature they make a strength saving throw vs your bird’s sleight of hand. (1 Bonus Action) | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Alarm Call {AC} | Cost: 50 Accumlated points. | You make a DC 11 training roll, on a success you can direct your bird to fly overhead of you for up to 10 minutes. For the duration the bird will watch for nearby or incoming danger using its actions on perception checks. It will alert you if it spots something. If the bird is capable of identifying traps, it will include these in its check. (1 Bonus Action) | | Tier 1 | Small Success | Keen Eyes {KE} | Cost: 60 Accumlated points. | You allow your bird to study an image or object for 1 minute. Once complete make a training roll, the DC is determined by your DM based on the item you’re attempting to locate. Your bird will spend up to an hour attempting to find what it has seen within the current environment, if the bird is successful and is capable of carrying the item, it will return with it, otherwise it will memorise the items location. The bird can remember up to three locations at a time. By showing your bird an image or object that it has already found, it will lead you to its memorised location presuming it can still remember where it was. |