# Reldan Meru ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Reldan Meru ====== [[rathadel:campaigns:b_side|]] {{ :rathadel:characters:reldan.png |}} ^ Aliases: | None | | ==== Characteristics ==== ^ Realm | Body Forming: 1 | ^ Race | Human | ^ Gender | Male | ^ Age | 16 | ^ Hair color | Brown | ^ Eye color | Green | ^ Height | 5ft11in | ^ Weight | 160lb | ==== Professional Status ==== ^ Affiliations | | ^ Occupations | * Student | ==== Personal Status ==== ^ Living Status | Alive | ^ Current Location | Tom | ^ Relatives | * Genna Meru (Mother) * Kylen Meru (Father) * Khurshi Meru (Sister) | Born on the eastern side of Taleros, in a region known as the Blooming Groves, Reldan has recently travelled to the continents capital in hopes of joining the assassins guild. ## Appearance Reldan is a fairly handsome young man who hails from the far east of Taleros. He has olive, sun bleached skin and somewhat chiselled facial features; framed by long, wavy, brown hair which he keeps tied back into a short ponytail. A set of token green eyes don his facial features, typical for natives of the blooming groves. Currently standing in at about 5ft11in Reldan is the second tallest in his recent band of friends and is suspected to only get taller in the coming years. He has a athletic and fairly solid build, garnered across many camping trips and days exploring the nearby forests with friends. Keeping his expressions light and cheerful, Reldan is all around a very approachable looking figure. He currently sports the grey robes of an assassins guild first year, wearing them in whatever style they were placed in his wardrobe. ## Personality Energetic, Impulsive and all around chaotic, Reldan Meru is a free spirit by nature. Happy to go wherever the wind takes him, he originally came to the assassins guild at the suggestion of his parents, unprepared and unsuspecting. He is an extroverted and friendly person, eager to explore and shake a lot of hands. While thinking about his actions isn't what you'd call his forte, Reldan has an uncanny knack for pulling of and getting away with all manner of crazy stunts. Often leaving people stunned or speechless with his antics, Reldan excels at taking people by surprise. Despite his wild nature he has an incredibly good heart, always meaning well though often getting misunderstood. His somewhat oblivious nature leaves him almost innocent to cruller ways of the world, but for now Reldan is contempt with enjoying his first year at the guild. ## History Reldan was born in the village of Ever-Bloom, in Eastern Taleros. His mother is a domain scientist, researching the reasons behind why certain individuals can corrupt; and his father is both an explorer and part-time musician. He has a younger sister that he loves dearly as well as a very close childhood friend in [[rathadel:characters:avery_ledger|]]. After a particularly interesting camping trip in which Reldan, Avery and a few other friends went to explore a ruin, he found himself unintentionally corrupting after cutting himself on a shard. * * * ### Domain Ability ^ Name ^ Type ^ Rank ^ | Sprit Absorbtion | {{:rathadel:manipulator.png?15|}} Manipulator | Rank A | The people who wield power from the Manipulator Domain are well known for their abilities to influence and manipulate other people’s corruption abilities. Users who possess the ability ‘Spirit Absorption’ are able to duplicate and store parts of multiple other corrupted users’ abilities and use them as their own. They also have the innate ability to sense if someone they are touching are able to be syphoned and thus can tell if someone has corruption abilities. The Spirit Absorption ability is part of the AMG (Absorption Manipulator Group), a small but deadly subsection of the manipulator ability spectrum able to steal other corruption users’ abilities. ^ Ability Type ^ Ability Name ^ Ability Description ^ | Active Ability | ? | ? | * * * ### Known Techniques flavour text ^ Name ^ Level ^ Grade ^ Highest Perfection ^ | [[rathadel:techniques:basic_reaving|]] | 44 | Red 1 | Large Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:flowing_dance|]] | 21 | Red 1 | Small Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:stance_of_the_emerald_eagle|]] | 11 | Red 1 | Small Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:violin_proficiency|]] | 9 | Red 1 | Small Success | ### Trivia Reldan came from the Blooming Groves with his friend Avery, who took up a spot in the guild of Arts. He has a painting of himself in full poets get-up hanging in their first year dorm room.