# Aria Faltin ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Aria Faltin ====== [[rathadel:campaigns:b_side|]] {{ :rathadel:characters:aria.png |}} ^ Aliases: | Lady Faltin | | ==== Characteristics ==== ^ Realm | Body Forming: 1 | ^ Race | Human | ^ Gender | Female | ^ Age | 16 | ^ Hair color | Platinum Blonde | ^ Eye color | Blue | ^ Height | 5ft6in | ^ Weight | 126lbs | ==== Professional Status ==== ^ Affiliations | * The Faltin House | ^ Occupations | * Student | ==== Personal Status ==== ^ Living Status | Alive | ^ Current Location | Tom | ^ Relatives | * Lord Alistair Faltin (Father) * Lady Beatrix Faltin (Grandmother) * Alina Faltin (Sister) * Sierra Faltin (Sister) * Megan Faltin (Sister) * Madalynn Faltin (Sister) * Sofia Faltin (Sister) * Anna Faltin (Sister) * Lilly Faltin (Sister) | Born and raised in the captal city of Tom, Aria is the eighth daughter of Lord Alistair Faltin. Currently the youngest of her bloodline, she is an aspiring initiate of the Assassins Guild. ## Appearance Aria, like all of the Faltin sisters, is considered beautiful. She stands in at about 5ft6in and is currently the shortest of the eight siblings. She has clear, pale skin and sports sharp facial features, giving her a fierce appearance. Platinum blonde, lightly curled hair frames her face and has recently been styled and cut to a practical length, as to not cause her problems at the assassins guild. Her eyes are an alluring pale blue and under the right kind of glare, can act themselves as an ice cold weapon. Despite her sharp features, she tends to keep her expressions fairly light. Aria has a lithe build and is mildly toned from her prior training in both dance and combat, making her a fairly flexible individual. Currently, she wears the grey robes of the assassins guild first years, opting for a uniform style that mimics the stories she was raised on. ## Personality Considered calculating by some, Aria is a quietly confident character with a burning, deep set sense of ambition. While she is usually reserved; preferring to stay in a calm and focused state, should the notion take her she can become concerningly intense, especially if something is coming between her and her goals. Aria is a character who has no qualm with detaching emotion from a difficult scenario in order to make a hard choice, especially if she feels that such a scenario threatens her in some way. Despite this she is not a particularly aggressive person, preferring to take the respectable route through most situations. Aria is as close to a workaholic as a student can get, she will frequently push herself to points of exhaustion with her studies if she thinks she can get away with it. When it comes to her grades she takes things very seriously. Raised in an excessively competitive family, she learnt early on that any form of recognition had to be fought for. She quickly developed a heavy frustration towards her position as the youngest, as she could never quite out-compete her older siblings, especially once they entered a guild. As time progressed she could only watch as the gap between her and her sisters widened leaving Aria to come to the realisation that to catch up, she would have to be consistently exceptional. This ideal began to form a lot of self-set expectations, less than perfect was no longer an option. Over time she has become fairly proficient at internalising a lot of the pressure on her shoulders, keeping up a composed façade to help strengthen her resolve. A lot of Aria's moral standpoint is book learnt, growing up on glorified stories of noble assassins who'd free Taleros from the tyranny of mad kings. She has a great admiration for these characters and though a somewhat naïve goal, she aspires to be just like them. ## History TODO * * * ### Domain Ability ^ Name ^ Type ^ Rank ^ | Invoke Thought | {{:rathadel:influencer.png?15|}} Influencer | Rank A | The people who wield power from the Influencer Domain are well known for their ability to manipulate the minds of others. Users who possess the ability ‘Invoke Thought’ are able to store the mental signatures of those they interact with and use them to gain insight into their minds. Thought Invokers are able to collect a mental connection with those they have touched, and if they are in their line of sight, they are also able to hear their surface thoughts, things which the target are naturally thinking whilst walking about. They are also able to enter a meditative state and phrase detailed questions to the minds they have stored. ^ Ability Type ^ Ability Name ^ Ability Description ^ | Active Ability | Invocation | As a bonus action you are able to touch and store the mental signature of an individual. You are able to store up to 3 different mental signatures. | | Active Ability | Lesser Connection | As a reaction you if you are able to see someone who’s mental signature you have currently stored you are able to listen to a burst of their surface thoughts. If multiple people are within range, you can use a reaction to swap between the targets as well as turn off the connection altogether. Once line of sight has been broken for more than 18 seconds, the connection is also broken. | | Active Ability | Mind Leash | You can mark one of your targets that you have stored. If a target enters a range of 25 feet you sense it. | | Active Ability | Greater Connection | During a long rest you are able to connect and probe the mind of one of the stored mental signatures further. The user can ask one question for one of the targets they have stored. Theirs is a 25% to get the success, 50% chance to get a complicated success and 25% chance of getting failure. On a failure the mental signature has a 50% chance to be lost. | | Passive Ability | Heightened Mind | Gain +1 Reaction. | * * * ### Known Techniques Aria grew up dancing and quickly fell in love with the freedom it granted. This love eventually grew into a passion for Reaving, and became the primary focus for her early years of training. Eventually her interest turned to the assassins guild and she began her preliminary research into poisons. ^ Name ^ Level ^ Grade ^ Highest Perfection ^ | [[rathadel:techniques:basic_reaving|]] | 44 | Red 1 | Large Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:flowing_dance|]] | 41 | Red 1 | Large Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:stance_of_the_crimson_lotus|]] | 11 | Red 1 | Small Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:herbology_knowledge|Herbology - Knowledge]] | 1 | Red 1 | Small Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:herbology_crafting|Herbology - Crafting]] | 2 1 | Red 1 | Small Success | | [[rathadel:techniques:dance_proficiency|]] | 7 | Red 1 | Small Success | ### Trivia Aria is one of the eight Faltin sisters. Each sister is rumoured to be a different type of domain user. As with all of the Faltin sisters, when she reached 16 she left her manner in Tom to join one of its guilds. Each of the sisters join a guild that no other sisters a part of and have a reputation of doing unnaturally well.