# Brondesh Brondesh – Tall Bronze skinned, four armed, muscling humanoids, looming over all other races, the Brondesh are normally a fighting race, found in most major settlements battling whatever is needed, whether that means working for the constables, or fighting the ancient abominations from below. ## Attributes * **Ability Score Increase:** Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1. * **Size:** Medium * **Speed:** 35ft * **Languages:** You can speak, read and write [[korodel:languages#olish|Olish]] and [[korodel:languages#bronk|Bronk]]. * **Four Armed:** With four arms instead of two you attack twice as fast. You can take an extra attack using weapons in your 3rd and 4th hands as a reaction. This ability can be repeated after a short rest. * ** Towering Strength:** You can have advantage to intimidation rolls against things that are smaller than you. * **Brondesh Muscle:** You have proficiency in the Athletics and the Intimidation skills. ## Traits * **Alignment:** Any * **Lifespan:** 110 Years. * **Maturing age:** Early twenties. * **Height:** Male (6’8” + 2d12) Female (6’4” + 2d12) * **Weight:** (160+ (height roll x 2d4)) lbs ---- # Alt Brondesh (Royal Brondesh) //Requires the player to be a member of the Mistwood royal bloodline// Royal Brondesh – Tall Bronze skinned, six armed, muscling humanoids, looming over even the Brondesh, the Royal Brondesh are an elite among their kind. Found only within the City of [[korodel:locations:mistwood | Mistwood]], this variant of the race is incredibly rare. ## Attributes * **Ability Score Increase:** Your Dexterity score increases by 4 and your Constitution score increases by 2. * **Size:** Medium - Large * **Speed:** 35ft * **Languages:** You can speak, read and write [[korodel:languages#olish|Olish]] and [[korodel:languages#bronk|Bronk]]. * **Six Armed:** With six arms instead of four you attack exceptionally fast. You can take an extra attack using weapons in your 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th hands as a reaction. This ability can be repeated after a short rest. * ** Towering Strength:** You can have advantage to intimidation rolls against things that are smaller than you. * ** Refined Brondesh Muscle:** You have proficiency in the strength based skills. ## Traits * **Alignment:** Any * **Lifespan:** 170 Years * **Maturing age:** Late teen years * **Height:** Male (7’8” + 2d12) Female (7’6” + 2d12) * **Weight:** (165+ (height roll x 2d4)) lbs