# The Honour Blades Master of the Art: [[korodel:characters:kieran_reyner|]] ~~CLOSETOC~~ ##Mastery Table | Level | Feature | | 1 | Origins of the Blade, Origin Feature. | | 2 | Origin Feature, Spirit of the Blade. | | 3 | Origin Feature, Spirit of the Blade. | | 4 | Origin Feature, Nightmare. | ##Features ###Origins of the Blade To harness your blade properly you must form a pact with Honour himself. Pick an origin you wish to bond with and speak a vow, after doing so you can harness the spirit of that origin and use it to fight. You gain a maximum of 1 origin spirit. Origin Spirits recharge fully after one long rest. ##Spirit of the Blade Open yourself to your path, and never break your bond and the spirits will aid you with your acts of honour. At level 2 You have a max total of two origin spirits. At level 3 You have a max total of four origin spirits. ##Nightmare You become one with your blade and your origin. Nothing will break your honour. You gain +10 to Religion You gain +5 to Intimidation You gain +5 to both strength and Dex scores --- ##Origins ###Of The Tempest The Origin of the tempest embodies that of the storm. They appear of out nowhere, striking their opponents down consecutively while remaining hard to target themselves. Gain +6 to Intimidation ####Speed of the Storm After killing a target, you can spend 1 Origin Spirit to automatically attack any hostile within 10ft of the attacker. If you can kill that target within the attack, you can chain once more for free. ####Unyielding Charge When a hostile target with 2 or more hostiles around is attacked, roll 1d4. On a 4 you deal 20% of the damage (rounded down) to each surrounding target. For one Origin Spirit you automatically succeed the 1d4 roll. ####Roar of the Tempest When you kill someone with unyielding charge, gain 1 tempest spirit. You can use one tempest spirit to summon a blade of the tempest, which has 1D10+2 Hp, 40 Movement speed and deals 1d4 damage. It is commanded by you on your turn and lasts 4 turns. Every kill it is responsible for gives it one extra turn of duration. You can spend one Origin Spirit to either heal it by 2d4 hp or add 1d4 to its damage roll. The blades themselves inherit your base stats. ####Everlasting Storm You can use your tempest spirits to summon a bolt of lightning from your blade. For each tempest spirit add 1d4 damage. If you instantly kill your opponent, gain back an origin spirit. --- ###Of the Shadow The Origin of the shadow embodies that of the darkness. You become undetectable, able to get close without being seen. Gain +6 to Stealth ####Enveloping Shroud Using 1 Origin Spirit, you can create a black fog-like substance emit from your position spreading out 10ft in every direction. While inside this fog, you can spend one bonus action to Dash, Disengage or Hide. It lasts for 4 turns. If someone dies in the enveloping shroud, it gains one extra turn of duration. This cannot go above the maximum limit. ####Undying Darkness When someone dies in the Enveloping shroud, roll 1d4. On a 4 the Shroud expands by 5ft in all directions. You can opt to use 1 Origin Spirit to make that 1d4 an automatic success. ####Blade in the Dark While inside the shroud you become a fiend in the dark, your damage is imbued with dark energy. For every kill you make in the shroud, you gain a shroud spirit. When you next hit an enemy, you can choose to add 1D10 damage per shroud spirit you have. ####Shrouded Echo While inside the shroud you can spend 1 origin spirit to move anywhere inside the shroud. You can also spend 1 shroud spirit to turn a critical hit against into a standard hit. --- ###Of the Protector The Origin of the protector creates a bond between the blade and those he protects with it. They are able to use the fear of loss as a source of power to protect. Gain +6 to Perception ####Fortified Symbiosis Using 1 Origin Spirit you can boost your +2ac per friendly entity within 5ft. Those in that area gain +2ac This lasts for 1d4 turns or until your friends move out of range, upon doing so you lose there +2ac. If they move back into range with one full round their bonus is restored. ####Unbreakable Bond If an ally within 5ft of you is hit by a critical hit roll a 1d4. On a 4 it becomes a standard hit. You can spend 1 Origin Spirit to make that a success. ####Reinforced Bravery For every turn an enemy is within your range yet has not attacked a friendly entity in your range gain one protector spirit. When an enemy hits an ally in range, you can spend one protector spirit to form a small shield in front of them for a second, temporarily raising that friend’s AC by 2 for that attack against them. ####Unkillable If a friendly entity is in death saving throws within 5ft of you, spend 10 fortification spirits to stabilize them automatically. For one extra origin spirit you can event restore them back to 20% of their Hp. --- ###Of the Grave The Origin of the protector creates a bond between you and death itself. The closer you come to touching it, the more you find yourself serving it to others. Gain +6 to Medicine ####Touch of Death Using 1 Origin Spirit you can boost your damage for one attack based on how close you are to death. 40% Hp – 10% Damage increase to your blades damage roll. 30% Hp – 20% Damage increase to your blades damage roll. 20% Hp – 30% Damage increase to your blades damage roll. 10% Hp – 50% Damage increase to your blades damage roll. ####Death Step When hit roll 1d4. On a 4 you take no damage. You can spend 1 Origin Spirit to half that damage if you fail to roll a four. ####Taken Blood When hit for over 20 damage in a single hit gain a grave spirit. You can instantly use one to add 1d10 damage to your blade which is lost after hitting a target ####Final Bargain If you enter death saving throws, you can use 5 grave spirits to form a life seal. A life seal can provide one free death save success roll. To use one, roll 1d5. Anything above a 2 is a success.