#Mistwood ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Mistwood ====== MAP HERE | Status | City | | Region | [[korodel:locations:the_western_isle|The Western Isle]] | | Continent | [[korodel:locations:deresh#korodel_the_first_continent|First Continent]] | | Alias | * The City of Mistwood | ==== Government ==== | Type | Autocracy -> Dictatorship | | Body | [[korodel:characters:vesick_highrend|The High Lord]] | | Primary Currency | Szen | ==== Population ==== | Primary Language | [[korodel:languages#bronk|Bronk]] | | Most Common Race | [[korodel:races:bronedesh|Brondesh]] | | Population count | | ==== Relations ==== | Allies | * Hollowpoint | | Enemies | * Midnight Council | The City of Mistwood is a semi-independent city sitting at the edge of The Western Isle. ## History ## Locations ## Information ### Geography ### Population #### Noteworthy Individuals ### Government