#Hollowpoint ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Hollowpoint ====== {{:korodel:hollowpoint.png?400|}} Full Map {{:korodel:uptown_hollowpoint.png?400|}} Upper Hollowpoint Map {{:korodel:downtown_hollowpoint.png?400|}} Lower Hollowpoint | Status | City | | Region | [[korodel:locations:central_flatland|Central Flatland]] | | Continent | [[korodel:locations:deresh#korodel_the_first_continent|First Continent]] | | Alias | * The Capital | ==== Government ==== | Type | | | Body | | | Primary Currency | Szen | ==== Population ==== | Primary Language | Olish | | Most Common Race | [[korodel:races:human|Human]] | | Population count | 900~ | ==== Relations ==== | Allies | * Mistwood * Gold House * Titanium House * Cobalt House * Platinum House * Bismuth House | | Enemies | * The Stone Clad * Kelus | Hollowpoint is the capital city of Deresh, it is the central power of the continent and holds sway over most of the other cities. This is partially due to it's complete monopoly of metals which are mined from the split, giving them direct control over essential materials such as food and clothing. Each city that is external to Hollowpoint relies on it's trade to get these materials and sustain their populations. Without the partnership they share, it is likely most cities wouldn't survive. ## History ## Locations ## Information ### Geography ### Population #### Noteworthy Individuals ### Government