#Cabrent ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Cabrent ====== MAP HERE | Status | City | | Region | [[korodel:locations:north_west_flatland|North West Flatland]] | | Continent | [[korodel:locations:deresh#korodel_the_first_continent|First Continent]] | | Alias | * Cabrent | ==== Government ==== | Type | Deliberative Assembly | | Body | Grand Cabrent Authority (Backed by Hollowpoint's Crowley House) | | Primary Currency | Notes | ==== Population ==== | Primary Language | Olish | | Most Common Race | [[korodel:races:human|Human]] | | Population count | Unknown | ==== Relations ==== | Allies | * Hollowpoint * The Vis University | | Enemies | | Cabrent is one of the 6 non-independent cities on the continent. It was the opening city and starting point of the first Campaign. Cabrent is a large dock side city, used mainly as a crossroad of trade from the central land-mass to the offshore island that houses both [[korodel:locations:barndel | Barndel]] and [[korodel:locations:mistwood | Mistwood]]. While the city itself mainly focuses on the export of good between the two islands, it's most prominent and famous output is Bounty Hunters. The city is home to "The Vis University", a government funded place of education for linked individuals. These individuals are trained and examined on their skills before being released out into the world to curb the ever growing crime rates the current ruling government incurs. ## History Cabrent is a fairly old city, and as such has seen the fore front of many attempted revolutions, most of which came from [[korodel:locations:barndel | Barndel]]. As such the waterfront and general area around it is very well defended. The central city itself doesn't show many scars of old damage, there hasn't been an attempted revolution in recent history and since the construction of The Vis University, the city has only made more of a name of itself and become a greater staple of defense. In regards to the Campaign not much of the inner city was seen, with the exception of the final exam in which [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] and [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] tracked down a gang leader ([[korodel:characters:harry_hardstone|]]) along the docks of Cabrent. Notably both characters made their first kill here as well, with Emilio's being [[korodel:characters:obin_olrick|Obin Olrick]], brother of [[korodel:characters:zehrin_olrick|Zehrin Olrick]] and Imm's being [[korodel:characters:sam_parch| Sam Parch]]. After the exam, the pair went immediately to the Cabrent Post Office to pick up a bounty, where they met [[korodel:characters:qm|]] who was the current acting Quarter-master. They took their first bounty, which led them to a research center, supposedly looking into a substance that could help grow plants. After an altercation they both returned to the Post-Office, which in a later event burnt down. The city has only been explored one other time, upon their return from Mistwood where they both made a mad dash for the rubble of the Post Office, locating a secret bunker underneath which harbored a piece of equipment dubbed ''The flying box'' that they used to make a quick exit. ## Locations some of the cities key locations known about or visited in campaign include: ###The Vis University The Vis university takes up the entire center of Cabrent, it's a colossal campus that holds multiple buildings along side a gun range. The building is ornate and carved mostly out of stone. It's towers looms as the main skyline of the city and certainty surpass the cities walls. It's job is to hold a massive number of linked students, from as young as 6 (half-desh) years old in the first year, and train them for 12 more as bounty hunters. It's widely considered one of the best educations, aside from private, you can get on the continent. However it is exclusively for linked individuals. Students spend most of their time within the university walls, they aren't allowed to leave the campus although that doesn't stop some. The exception to this is of course, the end of year exam. During the exam civilians are advised to stay off of the streets, and all the linked students are set off on real bounties. This exam, has a serious drop rate. Many students fail, get injured or even die in the process and for those who don't have the money to re-take, few options are left. Those who do succeed however, go on to become official bounty hunters and work towards the legendary status. ###The Cabrent Post Office Cabrents Post-Office is a place used for far more that posting letters. While there is certainty a portion of Post-Offices that offer that kind of service, it is also a hub for bounty postings. Almost every Post-Office across the cities are split into two sections. The actual Post-Office, run by that cities Post-Master and the Bounty Board, run by that cities Quarter-Master. Cabrents Office is built tough, from the outside one could mistake it for an armored bunker. It has wall slots, for ranged weaponry to be shot through if needed, drops in heavy doorways to counter act Movers and Weightshifters, along with many other well placed defenses. This bunker like appearance stems partially from the citys history defending against revolutions and the practicality of having both postage goods and bounty reward money well defended. Previously the Quarter-Master for Cabrent was [[korodel:characters:qm|]], however since the building burnt down during the attack from The Midnight Council, which subsequently led to his capture, he hasn't returned. As of currently in the campaign, the building is being re-constructed and weather a new Quarter-Master has been chosen is unknown. ###The Kolden Research Facility The Kolden Research Facility is a large building tucked away in the south west side of the city, a fair distance from the docks. It has a ominous but well kept exterior and stands barley two stories high. The building has no windows around the exterior, but has two possible entrances. One of these is an unguarded main entrance, and the other leads in from a small roof garden. The building has an inner courtyard which it almost circles, within that courtyard is a large grate that lets water filter down into a basement layer. The building was used as a primary research facility for the development of a substance that could help grow plants on korodel. There stands a single tree, dubbed ''The Kolden Tree'' that had been successfully grown within the facility, although as of right now it has not been replicated. In campaign, the facility was used as a cover for the first research branch of The Midnight Council, they were supposedly looking into creating linked, but the characters never looked further into it as after defeating the Lieutenant of that area, promptly fled before they could be captured by incoming guards. Upon return to the facility, the presence of the council seemed to have vanished and the front replaced with genuine workers. ## Information ### Geography ### Population #### Noteworthy Individuals (to do: The linked masters) ### Government