# Korodel Manifestor Art Users ~~NOTOC~~ Below is a list of all named Manifestor Art users: ## Known Caster's ^ Metal/Alloy ^ Birth Type ^ Character Name ^ User Living Status ^ | Silver | Black Quartz | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Alive | | Copper | Crude Oil | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Alive | | Sterling | Black Ink | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Alive | | Stellite | Alloys | [[korodel:characters:wen|]] | Alive | | Inconel | Gold Wool | [[korodel:characters:uriath_dosahl|Uriath Dosahl]] | Alive | | Nickle | Nitrogen | [[korodel:characters:uriath_dosahl|Uriath Dosahl]] | Alive | | Chromium | Gold Dye | [[korodel:characters:uriath_dosahl|Uriath Dosahl]] | Alive | ## Known Conduit's ## Known Crown User's ## Known Dust Weaver's ## Known Esoteric User's ^ Esoteric Name ^ Esoteric Type ^ Class ^ User ^ Status ^ | The Lilac Compass | Compass | Utility | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Attuned | | Shade Thorn | Bow | Offence |[[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Attuned | | Grimshaw | Sword | Offence |[[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Attuned | | Prismatic Rend | Sword (koro) | Offence |[[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Attuned | | Ash Flay | Dagger | Offence |[[korodel:characters:qm|]] | Attuned | | Thunder Stroke | Bow | Offence |[[korodel:characters:amy_goldheart|]] | Lost | | Heart String | Ukelele | Utility |[[korodel:characters:amy_goldheart|]] | Lost | | Night Shot | Bow | Offence |[[korodel:characters:emma_goldheart|]] | Attuned | | Unknown | Armour | Defense | [[korodel:characters:darren_goldheart|Darren Goldheart]] | Attuned | | Unknown | Spear | Unknown | [[korodel:characters:zehrin_olrick|]] | Attuned | | Unknown | Boots | Utility | [[korodel:characters:alicia_alfonse|]] | Attuned | | Sky Toucher | Boots | Utility | [[korodel:character:callum_odbet|Callum Odbet]] | Unknown | | Girded Wave | Pole Axe | Offense | [[korodel:character:isaac_inkdel|Isaac Inkdel]] | Unknown | | Unknown | Armour | Unknown | [[korodel:characters:freya_patel|Freya Patel]] | Attuned | ## Known Linked ^ Linked Metal ^ Metal Side ^ Character Name ^ User Living Status ^ | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Alive | | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:obin_olrick|Obin Olrick]] | Deceased | | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:hank_bovar|Hank Bovar]] | Alive | | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:george_bismuth|George Bismuth]] | Alive | | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:keric_bastom|Keric Bastom]] | Alive | | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:lilith_garntale|Lilith Garntale]] | Alive | | Iron | Right | [[korodel:characters:veronica_reader|Veronica Reader]] | Alive | | Copper | Right | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Alive | | Copper | Right | [[korodel:characters:raphaielle_christie|Raphaielle Christie]] | Alive | | Copper | Right | [[korodel:characters:matthew_alguard|Matthew Alguard]] | Alive | | Tin | Right | [[korodel:characters:qm|QM]] | Alive | | Tin | Right | [[korodel:characters:alicia_alfonse|Alicia Alfonse]] | Alive | | Tin | Right | [[korodel:characters:able_pastings|Able Pasatings]] | Deceased | | Tin | Right | [[korodel:characters:jarlos|Jarlos]] | Alive | | Tin | Right | [[korodel:characters:otto_crowely|Otto Crowely]] | Alive | | Zinc | Right | [[korodel:characters:amy_goldheart|]] | Alive | | Zinc | Right | [[korodel:characters:wayne_bismuth|Wayne Bismuth]] | Alive | | Zinc | Right | [[korodel:characters:nevil_shurman|Nevil Shurman]] | Deceased | | Zinc | Right | [[korodel:characters:cain_levrel|Cain Levrel]] | Deceased | | Silver | Right | [[korodel:characters:sebastian_gelheck|Sebastian Gelheck]] | Alive | | Silver | Right | [[korodel:characters:vesick_highrend| The High Lord]] | Alive | | Silver | Right | [[korodel:characters:harry_hardstone| Harry Hardstone]] | Deceased | | Silver | Right | [[korodel:characters:esther_gereld| Esther Gereld]] | Alive | | Silver | Right | [[korodel:characters:maisey_shields| Maisey Shields]] | Alive | | Aluminium | Right | [[korodel:characters:alice_kemp| Alice Kemp]] | Alive | | Aluminium | Right | [[korodel:characters:sam_parch| Sam Parch]] | Deceased | | Aluminium | Right | [[korodel:characters:barry_ironwall| Barry Ironwall]] | Deceased | | Aluminium (Alt) | Right | [[korodel:characters:salas_crowley| Salas Crowley]] | Alive | | Nickel | Right | [[korodel:characters:cairo_crassus| Cairo Crassus ]] | Alive | | Cadmium | Right | [[korodel:characters:arora_crowley|Arora Crowley]] | Alive | | Lead | Right | [[korodel:characters:emma_goldheart|Emma Goldheart]] | Alive | | Gold | Left | [[korodel:characters:amy_goldheart|]] | Alive | | Gold | Left | [[korodel:characters:qm|QM]] | Alive | | Gold | Left | [[korodel:characters:alice_kemp| Alice Kemp]] | Alive | | Bismuth | Left | [[korodel:characters:klenn_whileson|Klenn Whileson]]| Deceased | | Bismuth | Left | [[korodel:characters:kylen_celino|Kylen Celino]]| Alive | | Bismuth | Left | [[korodel:characters:kieran_reyner|Kieran Reyner]] | Alive | | Cobalt | Left | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Alive | | Cobalt | Left | [[korodel:characters:zehrin_olrick|Zehrin Olrick]]| Alive | | Cobalt | Left | [[korodel:characters:sarah_reyner|Sarah Reyner]] | Alive | | Cobalt | Left | [[korodel:characters:scarlet_copperwind|Scarlet Copperwind]] | Alive | | Cobalt | Left | [[korodel:characters:thousand_eyes|Thousand Eyes]] | Deceased | | Cobalt | Left | [[korodel:characters:fabio|Fabio]] | Alive | | Platinum | Left | [[korodel:characters:sebastian_gelheck|Sebastian Gelheck]] | Alive | | Platinum | Left | [[korodel:characters:salas_crowley| Salas Crowley]] | Alive | | Platinum | Left | [[korodel:characters:arnold_dundlach|Arnold Dundlach]] | Alive | | Titanium | Left | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Alive | | Titanium | Left | [[korodel:characters:cain_levrel|Cain Levrel]] | Deceased | | Titanium | Left | [[korodel:characters:ben_farlow|Ben Farlow]] | Alive | | Titanium | Left | [[korodel:characters:alben_cornwell| Alben Cornwell]] | Alive | | Tungsten | Left | [[korodel:characters:emma_goldheart|Emma Goldheart]] | Alive | | Tungsten | Left | [[korodel:characters:jarlos|Jarlos]] | Alive | | Tungsten | Left | [[korodel:characters:george_bismuth|George Bismuth]] | Alive | | Tungsten | Left | [[korodel:characters:wayne_bismuth|Wayne Bismuth]] | Alive | | Chromium | Left | [[korodel:characters:ambros_Alguard|Ambros Alguard]] | Alive | | Unknown | Left | [[korodel:characters:edward_flynn|Edward Flynn]] | Alive | ## Known Savant's ^ Name ^ Savant Identity ^ | Sarah Reyner | Ashen Savant | ## Known Shade Evokers ## Known Sigil Holder's ^ Sigil Name ^ Sigil Type ^ Sigil Holder ^ Source Type ^ | The Daughter | Title Sigil | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Primary | | The Valley | Utility | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Primary | | Sigil of Seduction| Utility | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Primary | | Sigil of Shade Jumping | Utility | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Primary | | Ancillary Shade | Offense | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Primary | | The Thief | Title Sigil | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Primary | | Sigil of Shade Jumping | Utility | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Primary | | Sigil of Identification | Utility | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Primary | | Sigil of the Valley | Utility | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Primary | | Sigil of Thorns| Defense | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Primary | | Sigil of Seduction | Utility | [[korodel:characters:qm|]] | Secondary | | The Brother | Title | [[korodel:character:the_brother|The Brother]] | Primary | | Unknown | Form (Unknown)| [[korodel:character:the_brother|The Brother]] | Primary | | The Guardian of the Vault | Title | [[korodel:character:the_guardian_of_the_vault|The Guardian of the Vault]] | Primary | | Unknown | Form (Unknown)| [[korodel:character:the_guardian_of_the_vault|The Guardian of the Vault]] | Primary | | The Architect | Title | Unknown | Primary ## Known Shard Vester's ## Known Bond User's ^ Character Name ^ Honour Weapon ^ Left Bond Type ^ Right Bond Type ^ Left Vow ^ Right Vow ^ | [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Honour Blade | Of the Protector | N/A | "I will never let Imm be taken from me" | N/A | | [[korodel:characters:alben_cornwell|]] | Honour Blade | Of the Protector | | | | [[korodel:characters:arnold_dundlach|]] | Honour Blade | | | | | Liana Kumara | Honour Blade | | | | | [[korodel:characters:kieran_reyner|]] | Honour Blade | Of the Shroud | | | | [[korodel:characters:ambros_alguard|]] | Honour Spear | Of the Leviathan | | | | [[korodel:characters:matthew_alguard|]] | Honour Spear | Of the Vedette | | | ## Known Gift Blessed ^ Character Name ^ Boon ^ Curse ^ Effected ^ | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | The life of Amy Goldheart. | Amy's ability to link was lost in the re-birth. | --- | |[[korodel:character:a_thousand_eyes|A Thousand Eyes]]| Unknown | Unknown | --- | | Jargos | Wanted to see the whole world. | He never stopped floating upwards. | --- | ## Known Thieves' Eye User's ^ Character Name ^ Thieves Eye Tier ^ Color ^ Effect ^ | [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] | Tier 1 | Blue | When below 33% health, Link Titanium. | | [[korodel:characters:vesick_highrend|]] | Tier 1 | Orange | Unknown | ## Known Vestomancer's