# Kelus Duelist //Prerequisite: Must be born in [[korodel:locations:kelus|]] to start with this class.// ~~CLOSETOC~~ ## Class Description The Kelus Duelist is a very versatile class designed over many years to be a ruthless opponent in combat. The Duelist can come in many forms capable of adapting to a wide verity of weapons making them hard to predict and even harder to avoid. A good Duelist discovers what is needed to win a fight and masters it. ## Class Features ### Hit Points & Dice **Hit Dice:** 1d10 per Duelist level **Hp at 1st level:** 10+Con Modifier **Hp after 1st level:** 1d10+Con Modifier ### Proficiency **Armour:** Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armour, Shields **Weapons:** Simple Melee Weapons, Simple Ranged Weapons, Martial Melee Weapons, Martial Ranged Weapons, Simple Firearms, Hidden Weapons, Thread Weapons **Tools:** None **Saving Throws:** Constitution **Skills:** Choose two skills from the following: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Performance or Religion ### Equipment ## Leveling Table ^ Level ^ Proficiency Bonus ^Features ^ | 1 | +2 | First Strike | | 2 | +2 | Harbinger of Glory | | 3 | +2 | Duelist Archetype | | 4 | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | | 5 | +3 | Extra Attack | | 6 | +3 | Frenzy | | 7 | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | | 8 | +3 | Duelist Archetype Feature | | 9 | +4 | Harbinger of Glory | | 10 | +4 | Adrenaline Rush, First Strike | | 11 | +4 | Extra Attack | | 12 | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | | 13 | +5 | Duelist Archetype | | 14 | +5 | Adrenaline Rush | | 15 | +5 | Gaintsbane or Overbearing | | 16 | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | | 17 | +6 | Extra Attack | | 18 | +6 | Duelist Archetype | | 19 | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | | 20 | +6 | Masterful Movement, First Strike | ## Features * * * ### First Strike Always be the first to strike your target dead. You gain advantage to your initiative roll. At level 10 you add your dexterity modifier to your initiative twice (the second dexterity modifier added is capped at +5) At level 20 the second dexterity modifier cap is increased from +5 to +10 ### Harbinger of Glory Defeating an opponent in the midst of combat is a glorious thing. It drives your forward far beyond your normal limits. After you have killed/defeated your first opponent this turn you gain the following benefits till the end of the current round: * +2 Temporary AC * +25 Temporary HP * +20ft Movement At level 9 you can also choose one of the following benefits: * 1 additional reaction * +5 damage reduction * proficiency in a saving throw you currently are not proficient in. ### Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 17th level in this class. (These effects also apply to frenzy actions) ### Frenzy Once per long rest you are able to evoke a frenzy action after making your standard action. A frenzy action is equivalent to an attack action. ### Adrenaline Rush The edge of life is the most embracing. While your current health is below or equal to 20, gain an extra 1d6 to your damage, 10 damage reduction and 10ft to your movement speed. At level 14 you gain Adrenaline Rush's effects after being damaged below 40 health. ### Gaintsbane The smaller they are, the faster they strike. When attacking with a frenzy action, deal double damage to opponents that are large. Using a frenzy action resets your movement. Gain 1d6 damage reduction for the duration of the frenzy action. ### Overbearing The larger they stand, the harder they hit. When attacking with a frenzy action, deal double damage to opponents that are small. Regenerate 2d20 health when entering a frenzy action. Critical damage dealt deals an additional 2d6 damage when in a frenzy action. ### Masterful Movement Gain three Masterful Charges that recharge every long rest. A Masterful Charge can be used to add 1d4 to a hit roll or can be used to reroll a failed hit with disadvantage (must take new roll). The effects can be combines with each other (re-roll with disadvantage with an extra 2d4 bonus would cost 3 charges) ## Duelist Archetypes Choose one Archetype to follow from below: * * * ## Daring Duelist Style of the Sword and Gun At 3rd level: Choose an extra skill to be proficient in: Perception or Survival You become proficient in Strength Saving throws Longswords, Shortswords, Rapiers, Other long bladed weapons that are not heavy and All guns gain a +1d4 base damage increase. At 8th level: At 13th level: At 18th level: ## Dexterous Duelist Style of the Hook and Claw At 3rd level: Choose an extra skill to be proficient in: Deception or Stealth You become proficient in Dexterity Saving throws All Claw, Dagger, Whip and Hook weapons gain a +1d4 base damage increase. At 8th level: At 13th level: At 18th level: ## Distant Duelist Style of the Glaive and Spear At 3rd level: Choose an extra skill to be proficient in: Crafting or Investigation You gain 4 damage reduction Spears, Halberds, Pikes, Glaive and other Weapons with the Reach modifier gain a +1d4 base damage increase. At 8th level: At 13th level: At 18th level: ## Deceiving Duelist Style of the Needle and Thread At 3rd level: Choose an extra skill to be proficient in: Deception or Sleight of Hand You become proficient in Wisdom Saving throws All Hidden and Thread weapons gain a +1d4 base damage increase. At 8th level: At 13th level: At 18th level: ## Dominating Duelist Style of the Greatsword and Warhammer At 3rd level: Choose an extra skill to be proficient in: Forging or Intimidation You become proficient in Strength Saving throws Greataxes, Greateswords, Warhammers and other Weapons with the Heavy modifier gain a +1d4 base damage increase. At 8th level: At 13th level: At 18th level: ## Defensive Duelist Style of the Shield and Bow At 3rd level: Choose an extra skill to be proficient in: Medicine or Persuasion You become proficient in Dexterity Saving throws Bows you use gain a +1d4 base damage increase. Shields you use gain +2 Temporary AC At 8th level: You master the art of dancing between two large pieces of equipment. You are able to wield both and Bow and Shield as if they where one handed. At 13th level: At 18th level: