# Sebastian Gelheck ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Sebstian Gelheck ====== {{:korodel:characters:seb4.png?400|}} Sebastian in his Hollowpoint attire. | Aliases | * Seb | ==== Characteristics ==== | Race | Brondesh | | Gender | Male | | Age | 22 | | Hair color | Deep alburn | | Eye color | Brown | | Height | 6ft10in | | Weight | 187lbs | ==== Professional Status ==== | Affiliations | * Whitewood * The Goldheart Alumni * Cabrent | | Occupations | * Bounty Hunter * Whitewood City Guard | ==== Personal Status ==== | Living Status | Alive | | Current Location | Kelus | | Relatives | * Unknown (Mother) * Unknown (Father) | ==== Used Arts ==== * Linking * Crowning Sebastian is the first additional member of the main party, originally the friend of [[korodel:characters:immery_garntale|]] and later [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] during his years at Cabrent, the trio have more or less grown up together. After his first year out of the university, it started looking into an organisation linked to his past that led to his eventual kidnapping. He was eventually rescued by the main party, re-joining them and concluding the first Arc. ## Appearance Sebastian is a 22 year old Brondesh. He has a tall, muscular build widely seen as intimidating by most. Despite this, he stands in at 6ft10in which is on the shorter side for his race. He has a deep, bronze-y skintone, typical of Brondesh, ginger hair that waves slightly and brown eyes. He has a strong jawline and toned features giving him a fairly handsome face. Sebastian's key item of clothing is his hat, he is rarely seen without one and is very attached to them. Currently he's had 3 hats, the first of which was lost after he was kidnapped by the council. The second was yellow top hat that was quickly dispatched by Imm, and his third and current one is a deep navy cowboy hat, similar to his first, gotten as an apology gift for the destruction of the yellow top-hat. He wears a veriety of clothing though his usual attire consists of a blue-grey jumper and simple trousers, he has a set of holsters that clip to a belt on his waist and usually has a set of rifels slung over his shoulder. He used to have a long brown duster, but currently hasn't gotten a new one. Occasionally he wear a yellow suite to official event, gotten from his time in hollowpoint. ## Personality ## History ## Abilities ### Known Arts ### Known Masteries ## Trivia