# Kieran Reyner ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Keiran Reyner ====== {{:korodel:characters:keiran.png?400|}} The father of [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] | Aliases | * Commissioner | ==== Characteristics ==== | Race | Half-Desh Hybrid (Human) | | Gender | Male | | Age | 45 | | Hair color | Light Brown (Graying) | | Eye color | Green | | Height | 5ft6in | | Weight | 132 lbs | ==== Professional Status ==== | Affiliations | * Whitewood | | Occupations | * (Retired) Commissioner of Whitewood | ==== Personal Status ==== | Living Status | Alive | | Current Location | Whitewood | | Relatives | * Unknown (Mother) * Unknown (Father) * Sarah Reyner (Wife) * [[korodel:characters:emilio_reyner|]] (Son) * Alexander Reyner (Son - Deceased) | ==== Used Arts ==== * Esoteric Infusion * The Bonds Basic Overview ## Appearance Kieran Reyner is a 42 year old Half-Desh/Human hybrid. He has a strong, sturdy build, relatively muscular for his race. His face is worn with lightly hawkish features, signs of age are clearly upon it and he is rarely seen without bags under his eyes. He has a very pale skin tone, due to his upbringing in Whitewood and the Human side of his bloodline. -wip- ## Personality ## History ## Abilities ### Known Arts ### Known Masteries ## Trivia