# Emma Goldheart ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Emma Goldheart ====== {{:korodel:characters:emma_goldheart.png?500|}} Emma's signature attire. | Aliases | | ==== Characteristics ==== | Race | Human | | Gender | Female| | Age | 25 | | Hair color | bright red | | Eye color | blue | | Height | 5ft9 | | Weight | 130lbs | ==== Professional Status ==== | Affiliations | * The Stone Clad * The Gold House | | Occupations | * Stone clad leader | ==== Personal Status ==== | Living Status | Alive | | Current Location | Whitewood | | Relatives | * Deceased (Mother) * Darren Goldheart (Father) | ==== Used Arts ==== * Esotheric Infusion * Linking Basic Overview ## Appearance ## Personality ## History ## Abilities ### Known Arts ### Known Masteries ## Trivia