# Cairo Crassus ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Cairo Crassus ====== [No Image] | Aliases | * Reverend Crassus | ==== Characteristics ==== | Race | Human | | Gender | Male | | Age | Unknown | | Hair color | Dark Blonde | | Eye color | Light Brown | | Height | 5ft9in | | Weight | 146lbs | ==== Professional Status ==== | Affiliations | * Whitewood * Kelus (Stag Banner) | | Occupations | * Recruiter of the Stag Banner | ==== Personal Status ==== | Living Status | Alive | | Current Location | Whitewood | | Relatives | | ==== Used Arts ==== * Linking * The Bonds Basic Overview ## Appearance Reverend Crassus appears to be an elderly human male. He stands in a 5ft9in when standing upright though is often seen bent over a cane. Despite his age he appears to be in surprisingly good shape, well built and steady on his feet. He has lightly tanned skin, that only shows light signs of age. He has light brown eyes and dark blonde hair, graying slightly on the ends. His hair is a typical color of those from Kelus but appears rather uncommon outside the city walls. ## Personality ## History ## Abilities ### Known Arts ### Known Masteries ## Trivia