~~NOTOC~~ # Linking ====== Linking ====== Manifestor Art ==== Art Details ==== | Potency | Primary | | Combination | [[korodel:manifestors:optonin|Optonin]] | ==== Overview ==== | [[korodel:arts:linking#bracers_and_rings|Bracers and Rings]] | | [[korodel:arts:linking#endowment|Endowment]] | | [[korodel:arts:linking#variants|Variants]] | | Metals | Right Handed Metals * [[korodel:arts:linking#iron|Iron]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#copper|Copper]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#tin|Tin]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#zinc|Zinc]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#silver|Silver]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#aluminium|Aluminium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#nickel|Nickel]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#rubidium|Rubidium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#cadmium|Cadmium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#lead|Lead]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#osmium|Osmium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#abyssite|Abyssite]] Left Handed Metals * [[korodel:arts:linking#gold|Gold]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#bismuth|Bismuth]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#cobalt|Cobalt]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#platinum|Platinum]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#titanium|Titanium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#tungsten|Tungsten]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#zirconium|Zirconium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#palladium|Palladium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#iridium|Iridium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#chromium|Chromium]] * [[korodel:arts:linking#velrite|Velrite]] | ## Bracers and Rings ## Empowerment ## Endowment ## Variants ---- ## Iron Short Description for Iron linked variations - TODO ### Information ^ Name | Mover | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can pull and push on metals. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Iron a Mover will see a series of blue lines linking to metals around them. The bigger and closer the metal is to you, the more clearer the line is. Pulling and pushing on the individual lines causes the metal its connected to try move away or towards you. The weight of the object influences how the forces applied to the metal is resolved. If you try pull on a metal, but the metal you pull on is heavier than you, you will instead be pulled towards the metal source. In a similar manner, pushing on something heavier moves you will cause you to move backwards away from the metal source. When wearing an Iron Bracer, the lines move from the centre of the Movers head to the centre of mass of the metal source. When wearing an Iron Ring, the lines move from the Ring to the centre of mass of the metal source. Although Movers aren't able to react fast enough to stop bullets under most circumstances, Movers are able to push on their own bullets with firearms to gain an extra damage bonus. Attacks with pushed projectiles gain an additional 1d10 damage (+1d10 for every weight class over medium). This bonus is also applied to your hit roll when flair pushing on the projectiles. Its also possible for a Mover to activate their Mover sight without the need to Move the metal for a much cheaper Vis price. Movers cannot detect, push or pull on Nickel and its alloys. | ^ Empowered Name | Full Movement | ^ Empowered Description | Have a much better vision of smaller metals, and the ability to pull/push on metals in the body | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Moving Cost | 5vis | 5vis | 4vis | 4vis | 3vis | 3vis | ^ Moving Flair Cost | 15vis | 13vis | 11vis | 9vis | 7vis | 5vis | ^ Mover Sight Cost | 2vis | 2vis | 2vis | 1vis | 1vis | ~0vis | ---- ## Copper ### Information ^ Name | Slicker | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can slick the ground with a substance that controls friction. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Copper a Slicker can produce a white, glowing, pearlecent liquid and apply it to an object or the area around them. The liquid can stick to the applied surface, regardless of it's orientation, but always originates from the Slicker. If wearing a Bracer the substance is usually produced from either the hands or feet. Whilst wearing a ring however, it always comes form the hand. Causing the liquid to lessen it's friction turns areas of ground it is applied to into slippery terrain, creatures attempting to walk on this space must make a Acrobatics check or risk falling prone. Causing the liquid to increase it's friction turns areas of ground it is applied to into difficult terrain. An alternative use of Copper is being able to manipulate the direction of friction to effected surfaces. This can be used for many different practices such as increasing your speed by 5ft (per Vis increment) or creating friction traps. If a creature becomes stuck in a friction trap they can make a breakout check which is calculated as followed: Their Strength VS your Arcana. The surface of a bladed weapon can also be slicked, giving it far more intense piercing and slicing properties and granting a 1d10 bonus to hit. | ^ Empowered Name | Forceful Slick | ^ Empowered Description | Can slick at much greater speeds | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Slicking Cost | 2vis/5ft | 2vis/5ft | 2vis/5ft | 3vis/10ft | 1vis/5ft | 1vis/5ft | ^ Slicking Flair Cost | 10vis | 10vis | 10vis | 8vis | 8vis | 6vis | ^ Trapping Cost | 10vis/turn | 8vis/turn | 8vis/turn | 6vis/turn | 6vis/turn | 6vis/turn | ^ Movement Cost | 10vis/turn | 10vis/turn | 8vis/turn | 8vis/turn | 6vis/turn | 6vis/turn | ---- ## Tin ### Information ^ Name | Speedster | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can increased their personal speeds. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Tin a Speedster moves up a time stream, from an outside view the user becomes a blur and is very difficult to target. To the Speedster their surroundings blur slightly as they move, due to only their physical processes being sped up. Speedsters, when linking have the ability to shift up time streams, able to make 10 turns for every 1 turn someone on a normal time stream can. this increases to 20 when flaring. Attacks made against a Speedster from a creature on a lower timestream are done so at disadvantage. Similarly attacks made by Speedsters towards creatures on a lower time stream have advantage. Tin however, does not speed up mental processes making it a difficult metal to pick up without practice, attempting to process a lot of information at once can cause a Speedster to have an intense migraine, rolling a Con saving throw VS their Arcana and on a failure and stop linking. (Eg, You cannot read whilst Speeding.) Users of Tin are able to walk through Winder Bubbles if the Bubble is on the same time stream as the Speedster, without snapping it. When targeting a specific body part against an enemy who is flaring Titanium, regardless of the result of the dexterity saving throw, the damage modifiers are nullified. | ^ Empowered Name | Speed Clone | ^ Empowered Description | Create a speed clone that can do one simple task while sustained | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Speedster Cost | 40vis | 38vis | 36vis | 34vis | 32vis | 30vis | ^ Speedster Sustain Cost | 20vis/turn | 20vis/turn | 15vis/turn | 15vis/turn | 10vis/turn | 10vis/turn | ^ Speedster Flair Cost | 80vis | 78vis | 76vis | 74vis | 72vis | 60vis | ^ Speedster Flair Sustain Cost | 40vis/turn | 40vis/turn | 35vis/turn | 35vis/turn | 30vis/turn | 30vis/turn | ---- ## Zinc ###Information ^ Name | Weightshift | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Weightshifters can manipulate their personal weight. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Zinc a Weightshifter can manipulate their own personal weight either up or down. Linking Zinc has very few visual tells besides extreme lightening causing the user to float very slightly, otherwise if you are unable to see the glow from actually linking it, it goes undetected. Weightshifters can expend increments of Vis to increase their current weight class up or down, ranging from Super Light to Super Heavy. This change in weight can interact with the body in a variety of way. If used to shift up a weight class while falling, the player can reduce fall damage by 1d10 per weight class higher than their base. They also have increased air control. If used to shift down a weight class, the player becomes very heavy and difficult to move, gaining a +1d10 bonus to saves against being knocked down. Weightshifing is heavily considered a Utility metal and is generally most useful when paired with a second weight based metal like Iron or an Esoteric. | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Weightshift Cost | 20vis per weight class| 19vis per weight class | 18vis per weight class | 17-vis per weight class | 16-vis per weight class| -15vis per weight class | ^ Weightshift Sustain Cost | 20* WC difference | 20* WC difference | 18* WC difference | 18* WC difference | 16* WC difference | 16* WC difference | ---- ## Silver ###Information ^ Name | Healer | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Silver users are able to Heal themselves. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Silver a Healer can greatly increase their regenerative properties, healing wounds and afflictions with great speed. Upon using Silver, a translucent; white, glowing liquid coats the wound before beginning to heal it, sealing the skin if it's a small incision or going as far as re-growing a limb. Upon use it allows you to heal your lvlD5 plus an additional health bonus depending on whether you flare or not. Silver can also be used to work off things like bleeding, poisons or sickness if used over time. Bleed stacks can be healed with a Silver Bracer for 20vis (changes based on quality) removing 3 stacks (6 if flared) of bleed per use. It is an incredibly simple and useful metal, easily identifiable by it's traits but causes it's users to be incredibly hardy individuals. | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Healer Cost | 20vis | 18vis | 15vis | 12vis | 10vis | 5vis | ^ Healer Flair Cost |40vis | 35vis | 30vis | 25vis | 25vis | 15vis | ^ Healer HP Gain | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | LvlD5 + 10hp | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Healer Flair HP Gain | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | LvlD5 +25hp | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Aluminium ###Information ^ Name | Heater | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can increase the heat of things they touch. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Aluminium a Heater can increase the nearby temperature of objects, people or themselves. (within a 5ft range) Linking Aluminium has very few tell tale signs until it is actually used, though if personal body heat is increased far enough, in cold weather they produce steam. Aluminium can be used along a scale, determined by the DM to preform anything from warming a cold drink to lighting a small fire to, if flared, melting a metal beam. It is worth noting that users of Aluminium are not immune to the effects of heat and so surpassing a certain temperature can prove detrimental them, though do have a substantially greater resistance to it than most people. Heaters can increase the heat of objects they touch, for example: metal bullet or the blade of a weapon. doing these things would give an additional fire damage bonus of 1d10 to targets it hits. (2d10 if flared) Heaters can also increase the heat of people, doing so deals 1d10 fire damage to the person (2d10 if flared). This damage also works alongside targeting bonuses. Additionally, if you are flaring heating a person roll 1d20, on a 18+ you also apply one [[general:conditions|stack of the Ignite condition]] | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ^ Name | Cooler | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Are able to cool down things they touch. | ^ Mechanic | An Alternative version of Aluminium. When linking aluminium Coolers can manipulate the decrease the temperature of objects, people or themselves. (within a 5ft range) Linking Aluminium as a Cooler has few tell visible signs until it is actually used, though if personal body heat is decreased far enough, in warm weather they can show signs of defrosting. Aluminium can be used along a scale, determined by the DM to preform anything from cooling a warm drink to freezing a small pond to, if flared, turning large sheets of water to ice. It is worth noting that users of Aluminium are not immune to the effects of the cold and so surpassing a certain temperature can prove detrimental them, though do have a substantially greater resistance to it than most people. Coolers can increase the heat of objects they touch, for example: metal bullet or the blade of a weapon. doing these things would give an additional cold damage bonus of 1d10 to targets it hits. (2d10 if flared) Coolers can also decrease the heat of people, doing so deals 1d10 cold damage to the person (2d10 if flared). This damage also works alongside targeting bonuses. Additionally, if you are flaring cooling a person roll 1d20, on a 18+ you also apply the [[general:conditions|Chill condition]]. | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Heater Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Heater Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Heater Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Heater Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Nickel ###Information ^ Name | Voider | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can leech Vis from a target. | ^ Mechanic | When linking Nickle a Voider can remove and dissipate a target's Vis assuming they are touching it. Linking Nickle has no known signs, it is so undetectable that to public knowledge Nickle is not a Likable metal. Only when used on a target to remove internally stored Vis are you able to see its effects. A Voider can touch a target and expend an amount of Vis equal to that of what they wish to void, to delete the internal stores of a target. For example they could expend 100 units of Vis to remove 100 units of Vis from someone else. It is a simple metal but one that's incredibly annoying to combat if you use a lot of arts. Its often used by Government and police forces to contain Linked users. | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Voiding Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Voiding Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ---- ## Rubidium ### Information ^ Name | Container | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Container Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Container Flair Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Cadmium ###Information ^ Name | Mastermind | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can store memories within Cadmium bracers. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Mastermind Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Mastermind Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ---- ## Lead ###Infromation ^ Name | Devourer | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can turn non-organic material to ash. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Devourer Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Devourer Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ---- ## Osmium ###Information ^ Name | Unknown | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Unknown. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ---- ## Abyssite ###Information ^ Name | Beacons | ^ Side | Right | ^ Description | Can manipulate light. | ^ Mechanic | You expend Vis and create a dome of Magical Light or Darkness. This dome is 15ft wide normally or 20ft when flared, the same range as a standard winder bubble. Dark vision cannot pierce through this kind of darkness. A creature directly viewing the Light counts as Blinded until line of sight is broken. | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Beacon Cost | 20vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Beacon Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ## Gold ###Information ^ Name | Seeker | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can see outlines through walls. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Seeker Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Seeker Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Seeker Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Seeker Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Bismuth ###Information ^ Name | Shifter | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can manipulate their translucency. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Shifter Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Shifter Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Shifter Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Shifter Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Cobalt ###Information ^ Name | Winder | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can create a bubble of slowed time around them. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Winder Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Winder Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Winder Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Winder Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Platinum ###Information ^ Name | Brute | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Increases their internal resilience and pain tolerance. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Brute Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Brute Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Brute Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Brute Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Titanium ###Information ^ Name | Seer | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can see silhouettes of the future. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Seer Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Seer Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Seer Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Seer Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Tungsten ###Information ^ Name | Empowerer | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can Empower other linked abilitys. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Empower Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Empower Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Empower Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Empower Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Zirconium ###Information ^ Name | Unknown | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Allows the user to link to another metal when used through a Zircronium bracer. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ----- ## Palladium ###Information ^ Name | Connecters | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can be used to store a connection to a target. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Connection Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Connection Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Connection Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Connection Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Iridium ###Information ^ Name | Unknown | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Unknown. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Chromium ###Information ^ Name | Illusionist | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Allows the user to create illusions. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Illusion Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Illusion Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ^ Illusion Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Illusion Flair Sustain Cost | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | --vis/turn | ---- ## Velrite ###Information ^ Name | Sprout | ^ Side | Left | ^ Description | Can manipulate the growth of plants. | ^ Mechanic | | ^ Empowered Name | | ^ Empowered Description | | ^ Empowered Mechanic | | ^ Endowment Alteration | | ^ Origin | [[korodel:index|]] | ### Costs ^ ^ 50Q ^ 150Q ^ 200Q ^ 450Q ^ 600Q ^ 1250Q ^ ^ Growth Cost | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | ^ Growth Flair Cost |--vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | --vis | # Trivia