#Universe ~~NOTOC~~ ==== Universe ==== ^ Contains | * [[material_plain|Material Plain]] * [[demi_plain|Demi Plain]] * [[meta_plain|Meta Plain]] * [[nspace|N-Space]] | A universe is a distinct section of a [[general:multiverse|]] that contains at least one [[material_plain|Material Plain]], one or more [[meta_plain|Meta Plains]] and atleast one [[demi_plain|Demi Plain]] in the form of the [[general:disjunction|Disjunctions]]. A universe is surrounded by N-Space. Universes also contain a native set of at least two [[general:manifestor|Manifestors]], however this number can be much larger. Because of this universes tend to have additional rules or laws that neighbouring universes don't abide by. Universes where not all created simultaneously, thus some are older than others. Each universe contains at least one natural [[general:breach|Greater Breach]]. These gateways tend to be guarded in some way by stronger members of its respective universe, however sometimes lost [[general:breach|Greater Breaches]] can be abandoned and completely unguarded. They appear Naturally on the [[material_plain|Material Plain]] upon the creation of the universe, however can be moved with the complete cooperation of the universes native [[general:manifestor|Manifestors]] into [[demi_plain|Demi Plains]] ## Navigation In order to travel between universes an entity has one of five options: ### 1 - Travelling via a natural Greater Breach ### 2 - Manually creating a Greater Breach ### 3 - Utilising Prism Sharding or Prism Folding techniques ### 4 - Travelling via the Disjunctions ### 5 - Being displaced by a Higher Being or Remnant ### Risks of travelling Travelling between universes is possible for those who are strong enough, however it is not without extreme risks. Depending on what techniques or abilities you use, some may no longer work as expected in different universes rendering you much weaker. Entities that travel to another universe's [[material_plain|Material Plain]] must be incredibly careful. Entities that kill something from another universe or risk disrupting another universe while on its [[material_plain|Material Plain]] will be banished from all universes by the [[general:remnant|Remnant]] Lloyd unless a special exception is granted (however this is a exceedingly rare occurrence).