#Multiverse ~~NOTOC~~ ==== Multiverse ==== | Contains | * [[universe|Universes]] * [[nspace|N-Space]] | A Multiverse is a collection of [[universe|Universes]], normally with one major origin point that marks its centre. Multiverses are multi-dimensional celestial constructs that protect their child [[universe|Universes]] from the [[untemperedvoid|Untempered Void]]. Multiverses are not static objects and ebb and flows over time as [[universe|Universes]] inside form and decay, because of this a large quantity of a Multiverse is [[nspace|N-Space]], this extra space is then used to provide collision buffers and space to grow for the universes. ## Multiverse Classifications ### Living A living or healthy Multiverse is a Multiverse that has a stable outer shell that can withstand the [[untemperedvoid|Untempered Void]] and contains one or more [[universe|Universes]]. ### Dying A dying or endangered Multiverse is a Multiverse that has a close to/already punctured outer shell putting its content at risk. ### Ghost A Ghost Multiverse is a Multiverse within which all Universes have been destroyed by the [[untemperedvoid|Untempered Void]] normally due to a breach in its outer shell. Now emptied out, these Multiverses tend not to last much longer, fading into nothingness, and gaining their name. ##Known Multiverses [[:remoria|]]