# Conditions ~~CLOSETOC~~ Conditions are effects that can be both positive or negative. The duration of a condition varies and lasts for a set length of time or alternatively be based on specific conditions. They normally only effect the entity afflicted with the condition. Most conditions cannot be applied multiple times to one target, however some conditions state that they can be stacked in which case the effects strengthen as more stacks are gained. * * * Note for lydia: NEW STYLE: List of all conditions: ^ Name ^ Tags ^ Description ^ Sources ^ | [[general:conditions:phasing|Phasing]] | Buff, Defensive, Dodge | ++ Info | An entity with Phasing has its AC halved (Round down) however when they are hit, they roll a d10, if the roll is a 8 or higher than the damage is dodged. (30% chance to dodge). ++ | [[korodel:masteries:castingcontrol#symbiotic_form|Symbiotic Form]], [[korodel:arts:shade_sigils#sigil_of_phasing|Sigil of Phasing]]. | | [[general:conditions:greater\_phasing|Greater Phasing]] | Buff, Defensive, Dodge, Parameterised (\_s) | ++ Info | Gain +5 to AC. Gain +1 Damage reduction equal to your \_s modifier. Whenever a target is hit roll 1d10, if the roll is a 6 or higher than the damage is dodged. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:confusion|Confusion]] | Debuff | ++ Info | A Confused entity is unable to target a specific body part of an opponent, but can still hit its opponent if possible. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:bleeding|Bleeding]] | Debuff, Stackable, Trigger | ++ Info | Bleed stack – Deal 1d4 damage per 5ft moved. Stack lasts until the next round has ended. Bleed stacks can be healed with a medicine roll: floor((x-10)/3) where x is your roll result and the output is the number bleed stacks reduced. Bleed stacks can be healed with a Silver Bracer for 20vis (changes based on quality) removes 3 stacks (6 if flared) of bleed. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:frightened|Frightened]] | Debuff, Movement | ++ Info | A frightened creature has disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:weakened|Weakened]] | Debuff, Movement | ++ Info | A weakened creature deals only half damage with melee attacks, and has disadvantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks. A weakened creature's speed is reduced by 10 feet, to a minimum of half its base speed. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:blinded|Blinded]] | Debuff | ++ Info | A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack rolls have disadvantage. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:hindered|Hindered]] | Debuff, Stackable, Movement, Parameterised (\_c = -20) | ++ Info | A Hindered target is slowed by 5 feet per stack. The hindering effect is capped at \_cft movement. Stack lasts until the next round has ended. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:deafened|Deafened]] | Debuff | ++ Info | A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:incapacitated|Incapacitated]] | Debuff | ++ Info | An incapacitated creature can’t take Actions, Bonus Actions or Reactions. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:prone|Prone]] | Debuff, Movement, Defensive | ++ Info | A prone creature’s only Movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition. The creature has disadvantage on Attack rolls. An Attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the Attack roll has disadvantage. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:unconcious|Unconcious]] | Debuff | ++ Info | An unconscious creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone. The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. Any Attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:ignited|Ignited]] | Debuff, Stackable | ++ Info | An ignited creature takes xd6 fire damage per turn (where x is the number of ignite stacks the currently holds). (Ignite is cancelled out by the Chill Condition) ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:chilled|Chilled]] | Debuff, Movement, Stackable | ++ Info | A chilled creature has halved move speed. (Chill is cancelled out by the Ignite Condition) A stack of Chill is removed at the end of the targets turn. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:shocked|Shocked]] | Debuff | ++ Info | A shocked creature takes twice as much elemental damage. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:thread\_locked|Thread Locked]] | Debuff, Trap, Movement, Stackable | ++ Info | A creature that is thread locked is wrapped with a thread weapon. When thread locked, a target cannot attack and moves within the weapons range (with a -20feet movement penalty) of the thread user. In order to escape the thread lock, the user can make a breakout attempt as an action (Con plus Acrobatics check Vs Thread Lock DC). If a breakout attempt fails, the thread weapons implicit is applyed. (Thread Locked cannot be stacked, however multiple users can lock one target restricting movement within combined reach) ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:disorientated|Disorientated]] | Debuff | ++ Info | A creature that is disoriented finds it very difficult to determine direction. During an attack, before rolling to hit roll 1d4. The result determines which of the cardinal directions to attack in. (Correlating as followed; 1-North 2-East 3-South 4-West.) If you use a melee weapon, you attack the tile intended (normally 5ft forward, however this can be extended reach) in whatever direction that was rolled. If you use a ranged weapon, unless there is a target an equal distance to where you where aimed in the direction you fire, the shot goes wild, otherwise you hit the new target like normal. The effect lasts until the end of creatures next turn ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:bound|Bound]] | Debuff, Movement | ++ Info | A bound creature cannot physically move. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:sloth|Sloth]] | Debuff, Curse, Parameterised (level) | ++ Info | Reduces (level\*10) movement speed. Sloth is a curse. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:frail|Frail]] | Debuff, Curse, Parameterised (level) | ++ Info | Reduces your AC by (level\*3). Frail is a curse. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:despair|Despair]] | Debuff, Curse, Parameterised (level) | ++ Info | When below a third of your max health, for every hit taken that deals damage, take (1\*level)% of your current health as shade damage. Despair is a curse. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:fumble|Fumble]] | Debuff, Curse, Parameterised (level) | ++ Info | Your hit rolls become unlucky. hit rolls gain a -3\*(level-1). Fumble is a curse. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:hex|Hex]] | Debuff, Curse, Parameterised (level) | ++ Info | Vis costs increased by level*50%. Hex is a curse. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:unencumbered|Unencumbered]] | Offensive | ++ Info | Enables you to perform certain tasks impossible to do while armed, for example: Allows the use of Hollow Palm Techniques ++ | Gain this condition automatically when both hands are free (No gauntlets/Weapons) | | [[general:conditions:thin\_blood|Thin Blood]] | Debuff, Movement, Trigger | ++ Info | While under this effect there is a 50% chance to not loose a bleed stack when you normally would. ++ | This condition is normally gained after being poisoned. (See Rathadel: Red Empress Petal or Rathadel: Vial of Windbane) | | [[general:conditions:vulnerability|Vulnerability]] | Debuff, Stackable | ++ Info | Attacker's critical hits dealt against entities with vulnerability stacks take more damage. Attacker's Critical Multiplier is increased by 0.1 per stack. ++ | [[rathadel:techniques:stance\_of\_the\_citrine\_viper|Stance of the Citrine Viper]] | | [[general:conditions:melt|Melt]] | Debuff, Stackable | ++ Info | For every melt stack, the target takes an additional [1d4] DMG from every source of burning or fire DMG. On the opponents turn, they can use a bonus action to reduce the stack of melt by [floor((1d20+wis mod)/5)]. ++ | [[rathadel:techniques:reaving\_fire|Reaving Fire]] | | [[general:conditions:berserk|Berserk]] | Buff, Stackable | ++ Info | The user deal [1] extra DMG for every Beserk stacks they have, however, they also take [1d4] DMG for every stack they have at the end of the chain, this damage cannot be reduced by blocks or dodges. Berserk stacks reset at the start of their next turn. ++ | [[rathadel:techniques:death\_snow|Death Snow]] | | [[general:conditions:cold\_skin|Cold Skin]] | Debuff, Stackable | ++ Info | For every stack of Cold Skin a target has, they recieve a [-1] DMG reduction penalty. At the start of the targets turn, 1 stack of Cold Skin is removed. ++ | [[rathadel:techniques:death\_snow|Death Snow]] | | [[general:conditions:spite|Spite]] | Buff, Stackable, Offensive, Parameterised (\_d) | ++ Info | You may add the damage dice \_d to your attack damage as bludgeoning damage. If you receive a new Spite stack with a different damage dice size, \_d becomes the larger dice for all stacks. Lose 1d4 Spite at the end of each turn. ++ | [[rathadel:techniques:graceful\_determination|Graceful Determination]], [[rathadel:techniques:brute\_force|Brute Force]] | | [[general:conditions:entropic\_cloaking | Entropic Cloaking]] | Buff, Stackable, Defensive | ++ Info | An entity with Entropic Cloaking reduces all Domain Qi/Willpower based damage taken to zero and mitigates any effects created by Domain Qi or Willpower. 1 stack of Entropic Cloaking is lost per turn. ++ | Can consume Entropic Darkness to apply Entropic Cloaking to yourself or those you are touching at a 1:1 rate as a reaction. | | [[general:conditions:shunned | Shunned]] | Curse | ++ Info | A somewhat strange curse that has no inherent effect, but can gain effects from other sources. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:incalescence | Incalescence]] | Curse, Debuff, Parameterised (\_s, \_c) | ++ Info | At the end of every turn a entity with this curse rolls 1d20. On an odd number, they gain a stack of [[general:conditions:ignited|ignite]]. On an even number they gain a stack of [[general:conditions:hindered|Hindered (_c)]]. If they roll a 20, they instead gain the [[general:conditions:shocked|shocked]] condition. These stacks last until the curse ends. You cannot gain over (\_s) stacks of ignite from this curse. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:hyperbolic\_pandemonium | Hyperbolic Pandemonium]] | Curse, Buff, Debuff, Trigger, Offensive, Defensive, Movement, Dodge | ++ Info | At the start of every turn a entity with this curse gains a random effect from [[general:conditions:hyperbolic\_pandemonium:effect\_table|Hyperbolic Pandemonium Effect table]] until the start of their next turn. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:greater\_consequence | Greater Consequence]] | Curse, Debuff, Stackable , Trigger | ++ Info | The next time a night timeslot passes after combat ends, enter death saving throws. After entering death saving throws, for every four stacks of Greater Consequence gained over the fight, fail one death save. ++ | TODO | | [[general:conditions:corrosion | Corrosion]] | Debuff, Defensive, Parameterised (\_d), Stackable | ++ Info | At the of your turn, roll a dice with \_d sides. If the value rolled is that dices lowest value, your AC has a -1 penalty. Corrosion stacks disappear after 2 turns have passed without gaining another corrosion stack. Corrosion stack ac penalties decrease by 1 at the end of each turn you have no corrosion stacks. If your AC falls to 0, corrosion instead deals 2d20 acid damage to you instead. ++ | TODO | List of all tags: ^ Tag Name ^ Description ^ |[[general:conditions:tags:buff|Buff]] |++ Info | A condition that has the buff tag is beneficial to its target. These conditions tend to provide an advantage to their targets in some way. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:curse|Curse]] |++ Info | A condition that has the curse tag applies its effects to a target until the end of current combat. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:debuff|Debuff]] |++ Info | A condition that has the debuff tag is detrimental to its target. These types of conditions apply negative effects that can cripple their targets. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:defensive|Defensive]] |++ Info | A condition that has the defensive tag adds a layer of defensive to its target. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:dodge|Dodge]] |++ Info | A condition that has the dodge tag allows the target to evade a specified mechanic. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:korodel_exclusive|Korodel Exclusive]] |++ Info | A condition with this tag is exclusive to sources found within the [[korodel:index|Korodel]] [[general:universe|universe]]. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:movement|Movement]] |++ Info | A condition that has the movement tag influences the targets movement in either a positive or negative way.++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:offensive|Offensive]] |++ Info | A condition that has the offensive tag boosts the targets attacking capabilities in some way. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:parameterised|Parameterised]] |++ Info | A condition that has this tag requires one or more parameters of some type that define its behaviour. Parameter's with an value assignment assume that value to be the default if no parameter is given. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:stackable|Stackable]] | ++ Info | A condition with this tag can have its effects applied to a target multiple times. The nature of how a condition stacks is defined in the condition. ++ | |[[general:conditions:tags:trigger|Trigger]] | ++ Info | A condition that has the trigger tag activates an effect after certain conditions are met. These tend to be negative effects, but can also be positive.++ | * * * Below is the list of conditions: ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ Description ^ Sources ^ Stackable ^ | Phasing | N/A | An entity with Phasing has its AC halved (Round down) however when they are hit, they roll a d10, if the roll is a 8 or higher than the damage is dodged. (30% chance to dodge). |[[korodel:masteries:castingcontrol#shapeless_form|Casting:Shapeless Form]], Sigil of Phasing. | No | | Greater Phasing | Core Stat: _s | Gain +5 to AC. Gain +1 Damage reduction equal to your _s modifier. Whenever a target is hit roll 1d10, if the roll is a 6 or higher than the damage is dodged. | N/A | No | | Confusion | N/A | A Confused entity is unable to target a specific body part of an opponent, but can still hit its opponent if possible.| N/A | No | | Bleeding | N/A | Bleed stack – Deal 1d4 damage per 5ft moved. Stack lasts until the next round has ended. Bleed stacks can be healed with a medicine roll: floor((x-10)/3) where x is your roll result and the output is the number bleed stacks reduced. Bleed stacks can be healed with a Silver Bracer for 20vis (changes based on quality) removes 3 stacks (6 if flared) of bleed. | N/A | Yes | | Frightened | N/A | A frightened creature has disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear. | N/A | No | | Weakened | N/A | A weakened creature deals only half damage with melee attacks, and has disadvantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks. A weakened creature's speed is reduced by 10 feet per stack, to a minimum of half its base speed.| N/A | Yes | | Blinded | N/A | A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack rolls have disadvantage. | [[korodel:arts:linking#abyssite|Linking:Abyssite]] | No | | Hindered | N/A | A Hindered target is slowed by 5 feet per stack. The hindering effect is capped at -20ft movement. Stack lasts until the next round has ended.| N/A | Yes | | Deafened | N/A| A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing. | N/A | No | | Incapacitated | N/A | An incapacitated creature can’t take Actions, Bonus Actions or Reactions. | Everything | No | | Prone | N/A | A prone creature’s only Movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition. The creature has disadvantage on Attack rolls. An Attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the Attack roll has disadvantage.| Self, Techniques | No | | Unconscious | N/A | An unconscious creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone. The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. Any Attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. | Crowns | No| | Ignited | N/A | An ignited creature takes xd6 fire damage per turn (where x is the number of ignite stacks the currently holds). (Ignite is cancelled out by the Chill Condition) | N/A | Yes | | Chilled | N/A | A chilled creature has halved move speed. (Chill is cancelled out by the Ignite Condition) | N/A | No | | Shocked | N/A | A shocked creature takes twice as much elemental damage. | N/A | No| | Thread Locked | N/A | A creature that is thread locked is wrapped with a thread weapon. When thread locked, a target cannot attack and moves within the weapons range (with a -20ft movement penalty) of the thread user. In order to escape the thread lock, the user can make a breakout attempt as an action (Con+Acrobatics check Vs Thread Lock DC). If a breakout attempt fails, the thread weapons implicit is applyed. (Thread Locked cannot be stacked, however multiple users can lock one target restricting movement within combined reach) | N/A | No | | Disorientated | N/A | A creature that is disoriented finds it very difficult to determine direction. During an attack, before rolling to hit roll 1d4. The result determines which of the cardinal directions to attack in. (Correlating as followed; 1-North 2-East 3-South 4-West.) If you use a melee weapon, you attack the tile intended (normally 5ft forward, however this can be extended reach) in whatever direction that was rolled. If you use a ranged weapon, unless there is a target an equal distance to where you where aimed in the direction you fire, the shot goes wild, otherwise you hit the new target like normal. The effect lasts until the end of creatures next turn. | N/A | No | | Bound | N/A | A bound creature cannot physically move. | N/A | No | | Sloth | int: level | Reduces (level\*10) movement speed. Sloth is a curse. | Curse of Slowing Minds | No | | Frail | int: level | Reduces your AC by (level\*3). Frail is a curse. | Curse of Frail Bones | No | | Despair | int: level | When below a third of your max health, for every hit taken that deals damage, take (1\*level)% of your current health as shade damage. Despair is a curse. | Curse of Blackened Thought | No | | Fumble | int: level | Your hit rolls become unlucky. hit rolls gain a -3\*(level-1). Fumble is a curse. | Curse of Broken Hands | No | | Hex | int: level | Vis costs increased by level*50%. Hex is a curse | Curse of Restricting Pathways | No | # Condition Modifiers ## Condition Wavering When a condition waivers for a specified amount of time, the condition effects become null until the time is over. ## Condition Parameters Used to pass external types or values into a condition under some label. For example: Test(int _x) At the end of the turn gain _x hp. Then when used in writing it would be used like this: gain 1 stack of Test(5) In the above case they would gain +5 health at the end of the turn. ## Curses If a condition is applied as a curse, then its duration is extended until the combat it was applied within ends.